Literally, good Kinja.
Literally, good Kinja.
The guy who bartended at TGIFridays for two more years afterward was really not the winner of that one.
Can’t lose to people you don’t fight, or don’t fight until they are well past dangerous (or well before they are).
This is an amazing parody account.
I came to say just this. #nickandnora5eva
This is exactly it, exacerbated by the quickly spread misinformation possibilities of the internet soon after. Once a few people (Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Murdoch, etc.) realized how much money was to be made in antagonizing an already-fearful population into seeing threats to their (extraordinarily comfortable) way…
Most top-tier restaurant kitchens use these knives. They are great knives and excellent value. If I want to get serious about talking out of my ass, though, I’ll be sure to come to you for advice.
Most top-tier restaurant kitchens use these knives. They are great knives and excellent value. If I want to get…
Harold from Kids used to come into one of my bars a lot. You might not be surprised at how little some of those “actors” were acting. Dude was a serious douchebag.
I can’t remotely tell the difference between Ed Helms and Jason Sudeikis, but it doesn’t matter because they’re both blandly Caucausian, painfully unfunny, and unexplainably popular. I honestly thought Sudeikis was in this (terrible, useless, stupid, and insulting) remake.
When you have no substance, sensation is really your only option. Ginning up bullshit moral outrage on false grounds is pretty much all the GOP has, and it has proven remarkably effective at swaying ignorant, fundamentalist, racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. ad infinitum voters, so why wouldn’t they run with it?
Please never stop.
I was just curious which media outlets’ political views do matter to you, and how you determine that.
Do the political leanings of Jalopnik matter more or less than the political leanings of Fox News?
There’s “something to be said,” yes, and that something is that this type of behavior should be encouraged for our own grotesque amusement, but not rewarded. Though I am glad that Trump “speaks honestly” because we know exactly what a quacking, racist, sexist absolute political moron he is.
I’ve been telling people since the last time we went through this sideshow that Trump desperately does not want to be president, just to run and be looked at.
Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa, you can’t help yourself. I love it.
The dumbest thing in my kitchen is the microwave. I literally only use it for making oatmeal (because oatmeal made with whole milk is best oatmeal) or re-heating soup. Both of which can be easily accomplished on the range while only dirtying one extra thing. No extra things if you just eat out of the pot. Anyone need…
You’re a never-ending thrill ride. Never change.
So good to see you putting that STEM degree you’re constantly masturbating over to good use!