
Can't hit either one.

I can readily admit that a made bed dramatically improves a room, but I still can't bring myself to do it regularly.

What I'm saying is that American "libertarians" don't understand that there is a whole society outside of themselves and their simple, solipsistic worldviews. I'm sure it all works out just marvelously in your fantasies, in which you're the only character.

Hella goes back to California skater days; it's more geography-specific than era-specific. Shit's hella old.

"Harf harf! I take pride in my ignorance of vernacular speech! Harf harf!"

Exactly, there is no "food sensibility" in the Midwest. It's just bland shit mushed with other bland shit, or triple-fried-sugar-battered-sausage-stuffed monstrosities.

You sound like someone who is simply not bright enough to understand the practical societal implications of zero government for a land mass of this size and population. So I can kind of forgive you for being "conservative/libertarian." I guess I can forgive a lot of you, I mean, you just can't help being dumb. I'm

"You're a conservative, and you just don't know it yet," said several different men under 30

What the American Right's beliefs boil down to is that addressing problems is actually the source of those problems. If you ignore it, never talk about it, and never do anything about it, it must not exist.

Garlic often won't roll on a hard surface, just slide, so I've found those little silicone sleeves made, apparently, just for this, are simply unbeatable. Just slide your clove in, roll between your hands, and there you go.

Anybody who really cared much is out, for me. So that's a nice quick cut.

I'm recalling something about Clint Barmes and a dead deer...

It was 1998 and I was bartending the Monday Konkrete Jungle dance party in the East Village. Not a great night behind the bar, as almost everyone was underage and/or on way too many other drugs to bother drinking. Lots of ice water, for which I charged a dollar, which went directly to my tips. Anyway.

Scott Walker is just enough of a dangerous ass to mobilize the left, at least in a presidential election. Now if only we could get liberals to vote in mid-terms, we might actually start making some progress.

Val fuckin dosta. Jesus. I'm too old to even reminisce about the idiotic escapades.

With an optional 5th cup!

I hope this turns out exactly like the Alex Smith/Aaron Rodgers debate, where I find myself absolutely gobsmacked that Smith went first (and that Rodgers fell to...23rd? 26th? I can't recall without looking it up), and then I get to laugh at the idiot team that picked Winston 1st for the next 10 years.

I mean, good for the neighbors, I guess, for caring, but huskies are literally bred for sleeping in the snow and bitter cold. The neighbors would be doing more service if they bitched about leaving the dog out in the summer.

I love it.

My Husky pup is loving this weather. She wants to be outside every second of the day and night. We go to the park and she runs like a maniac for over an hour with her energy level completely unflagging. She's powered by the cold, and there's a limitless supply.