
HOME HEALTH AIDES ARE GODDAMN HEROES. Those jobs are fucking hard, physically, emotionally, psychologically, they pay jack shit, the people who do them are often totally overlooked/ignored, and yet they are literal life-savers for the people they serve.

When it’s “struggling single mom” we are talking about, yeah. When it’s “the problems of the working class,” it’s still fricking coal miners and car assembly workers.

We need to ban all men until we figure out what’s going on

I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.

PETA had called for her and her mother, Takara, to be sent to a sanctuary

It is so infuriating when a man tells you what you should wear and not to wear, how you should do your hair or why you should wear makeup or why you should smile more, there is no week where a man offers me free unsolicited styling recommendations.

 Not necessarily a danger, but unfit. And yes that is a valid reason for removal from the home. My wife is a social worker, I’m a therapeutic mentor we’ve both worked with mentally handicapped parents as well as as abusive ones. In both situations there are salvageable cases as well utterly ruinous ones.

According to this article, this is her 4th child and third pregnancy.

This whole discussion surprises me because the only subway I regularly ride is BART, where all food and drink is banned, and I assumed this was standard subway policy, though I’m not sure this is frequently enforced (I have accidentally carried a drink into the station once or twice without thinking about it).

Unless you are diabetic, you do not ‘need’ to eat on the subway, nor do you ‘need’ quick protein.

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism

I’m sorry are we living in Purge World now?

Particularly the lookit-my-engagement-ring-LOOKIT photo.

Because “teen week” is navel-gazing privileged nonsense and we don’t care

Yeah, this boring-but-smug bullshit about waiting around for some guy and imagining the thoughts of the girls who laughed at you in middle school or whatever gets to be on the same website that has posts celebrating genius mathematicians who just died? Jezebel, please choose more wisely. This is stupidity.


I had an idea that they should offer medical procedures in flight, so that when you fly from ...say from Atlanta to London...by the time you land and wake up you’ve had your teeth cleaned, your annual gyno exam and a colonoscopy!

Hillary would have been so badass at the g20. Can’t you just picture her with Merkel, side by side in matching pantsuits, running the fucking world?

I have never been to this festival, but I went to similar music festivals in Belgium when I was younger (too young, I think in hindsight), and I remember this icky feeling of constantly feeling threatened by groups of drunk men. I am not and was not easily scared, having grown up in a big city and being used to

“She’s being more careful this year. She’s learning.”