
And what has your generation done to enact change buddy? Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

And here I’ve been being rude to men FOR FREE like some kind of IDIOT.

I read this and felt like instead of telling any stories about the event, or try to connect with the people, you wrote a diary entry about how you went somewhere you weren’t super comfortable and weren’t welcoming in return to the people who tried to speak to you and then you left. That’s a huge bummer all around and

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

Just here for the comments:

I don’t really l care about Seal or his thoughts, but I don’t want Oprah to run for president.

Can a convicted felon even ran for federal office?

It also requires competency. In what reality do you think that Manning offers that?

On one hand: awesome. On the other hand: I’m a little too exhausted from the work of my own life to take on fixing people who call me a cunt, whether they’re in pain or not. Lots of people in pain don’t call me a cunt. I think I’ll work on helping them.

I hope she has to curtsy to Meghan once she’s married to Harry.

She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

Nice. You’re able to determine something profound about me due to a few short sentences. It’s almost as if you’re being assumptive.

Your single anecdote is surely monumental evidence! Oh wait, it’s not. Anecdotes mean shit. Fuck off, you stoner.

Marijuana is not a magical cure for anything.

doesn’t matter how stupid the victim is.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

Who gives a shit

Paltrow & Jolie are from Hollywood families. If Blythe Danner’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter didn’t feel comfortable speaking up for fear of repercussions, what does that tell you about the level of power Harvey Weinstein had over the entertainment industry? I hope this illustrates for people how deep this

Keep that shit at home and protest your current government by doing well in school, attending college and being part of the generation that will take over from them.