
“But is there an ability, since I guess public dollars are expended heavily in prophylaxis and treatment of this condition, so we have a public interest in curtailing the spread. … Are there any methods we could do legally to curtail the spread?”

While I agree that some of the memes some nurses share are out of control cringy, that one in particular is pretty benign. ICU nurses titrate the dosing of certain medications to keep people who are on ventilators or receiving other treatments adequately sedated and paralyzed so that they don’t do things like pull out

Morning sickness is not an indication for fentanyl use. If anything, fentanyl will make it worse. Nausea and vomiting are known and exceptionally common side effects. She is an addict and she is lying to you. If there is a doctor prescribing her that (which I very seriously doubt), they need to be reported to their

That poor child. And I feel for the parents, too. The odds of Charlie surviving the transfer from the UK to the US are small. He is likely to suffer even more before he dies. Doing futile CPR on his body is an indignity and would do nothing but hurt him further. It’s time for his parents to allow him what he deserves,

Ooooh, sandwich jokes. Get back in the kitchen jokes. Good one, boys, I’ve certainly never heard those before. You sure told us. Wow. Yeah.

I work with an organization providing end-of-life nursing care to people who want to die at home. Last week I was taking care of a 90 or so year old gentleman in his home, had come over here from Ireland in the 80s. Wonderful family, very sweet, the whole scene was pretty perfect. All of his kids had flown in from all

Interesting fact: Truvia is actually 99.5% erythritol (a sugar alcohol) and only about half of one percent stevia.

Huh. Really? That’s a really strong and interesting perspective. Can you elaborate?

Right? When I was in university all of the dorms’ washrooms were coed (except on the one or two gender-specific floors). No problems were had. Apparently over a thousand 18-year-olds were mature enough to realize that bathrooms are for eliminating bodily waste and then handwashing and that’s about it, but these

I have the misfortune of having gone to the same university as JJ McCullough, and having been friends with enough of his friends that I’ve had to listen to his bloviating at more parties than I would like to remember. He is a dick. Or a bag of dicks, whatever. Not fun ones, either. He’s a gay conservative who doesn’t