oh god not again

Yes. And not only the media gave her a pass — also the police, and the prosecutor’s office.

I’m always irritated by the uncritical admiration of Caitlyn Jenner, too, and I don’t think that feeling is particularly Benghazi-ish. Even if I could set aside the car crash thing (and that’s a *huge* thing to ignore), I think she’s a tremendously shitty parent, who has clung to her fading fame by exploiting her

Except she’s not being charged with negligent homicide. If they are going to charge her the most she’ll get is misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter and they don’t even believe the DA will bother.

I dislike Caitlyn not just because of her repeated negligence when driving, but also for the fact that she pretty much abandoned her first set of kids from her ex yet was a present parent for Kris’s kids. I hate when parents do that, neglect one family while being there for the next one. It’s so fucked up. She also

Sure that made a big difference to Kim Howe in her last moments of life. She wasn’t being killed by murder, just killed by somebody who could not give a crap about anybody else on the road.

And now YOU sound like the equivalent of “Hey guys, Zimmerman was acquitted, stop talking bad about him” with your obsession over what the law determines.

Are you fucking kidding me?

“Courage” would have been addressing the death she caused on a national stage instead of basking in praise. Let’s start treating transgendered people like we treat everyone else, perhaps that can begin when we stop swooning over Caitlyn’s appearance and focus on her actions instead.

Yeah, instead the whole focus is on how fabulous she looks. It’s shallow beyond all belief.

Really? So we should just ignore the fatal accident she caused and focus on her appearance instead? We’re supposed to just accept trans people as being like everyone else (which I agree with, BTW) but give them a pass when they behave recklessly and carelessly because they look so fabulous?

She’s received a metric fuck ton of leeway as a woman that is never afforded to cis women, especially those in her family. I dislike it for the hypocrisy it is. I don’t blame her, though.

I appreciate and respect your position, Lilly. I consider causing the death of a person to be on par with coming out, or marriage, or divorce, or having children, in the large scheme of autobiographical narratives. When an event of that magnitude is being given so little weight in the actual articles, I’m personally

You realize that not every situation in which someone dies is murder in the first degree

Donna’s response to Kim Howe’s death is essentially: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What do you mean?

That’s exactly it. Causing the death of a person in recent months is a pretty momentous life event, and the media have avoided it like the plague in favor of the uplifting story. So I’m only saying the uplifting story is harder to enjoy if you think of the very recent death caused by her.

It’s not an opinion actually. You’re comparing two completely different scenarios as if they’re the same.

Why shouldn’t they mention it? She was responsible for a person’s death!

This is a pretty weak false equivalency.

Your Benghazi comment implies I’m throwing out groundless accusations against her in an obsessive way. I only saw that video last week on Gawker, and it was horrible to watch. You may not accept this, but my reaction is honest disappointment, and is not motivated by baseless animosity à la Benghazi.