oh god not again

We can just use our heads too. You’re 100% right, but anyone saying “prove it!” in this thread is out of his/her mind. Men (and M-> F Trans women) are clearly at an advantage over women, particularly in MMA.

Structure is a big thing here. Regardless of whatever treatments she’s had it doesn’t change the fact that she’s still got a biologically male frame underneath.

There’s a lot of talk here to general athleticism, but in this case having a male frame on average gives her an advantage over cis-women with regards to hand

I am not even going to get into the whole arguement here about whether the Fallon Fox should be able to fight women in an MMA match. Everytime her name comes up, I can’t help but ask why are we even talking her competing at the UFC level? Let’s be honest, its not because she is a great fighter and the next great

Yeah, I’m going to fall on the non PC side of this one. Waiting for scientific evidence is right on, but wait until its proven there is no advantage before allowing it. Especially in MMA. Just because a trans might not beat Rousey is no reason to risk less talented girl’s lives until science says it’s ok. Competing

Really Jezebel, more of this one sided and disgusting “reporting?”

Having gender reassignment surgery in no way means that you can discount the changes her body experienced during her time as a man- changes that no female-born woman can account for. She spent 31 years as a man. In a sport that requires so much equality amongst two fighters prior to the fight, you cannot tell me that

Sure, but I wasn’t taking about bone density. I was talking about leverage. Longer limbs are stronger limbs. By “bigger boned” I was thinking bigger shoulders = even more leverage.

I have a hard time believing that trans women are no stronger than women, on average, after transitioning, unless you control for height, because trans women are going to be taller than women, on average, and height and limb length give a strength advantage (more leverage). Even at the same height, the trans woman may

The “compelling medical evidence” you cite is the opinion of two doctors who perform gender reassignment surgeries — they don’t cite any studies on the actual issue, or indicate that they’ve done any specific research on the implications of gender reassignment for sports, and make casual statements like “she would prob

I thought the books were garbage.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. She apologies (which was the classy, necessary thing to do), makes it clear that she owns the blame, and your post is still all snarky that she didn’t do it sooner, or do it more? Do she need to sacrifice a goat before the gods of Internet Rage will be sedated?

People have been telling Swift since

I am 1000% on board with implementing this. Can I be that invested? I can't do percentages because of my lady brain.

Yeah, let’s work this into the manifesto somehow.

Anyone who listens to Tom Waits knows that guys can have vocal fry. Thing is, vocal fry among woman is really only an American trait. And scientists believe that the fry is done without realizing it in order to sound more masculine. More domineering. More forceful. American voices as a whole are deeper than other

same. how can we make this actually come true?

this is trolling but honestly it sounds great to me.

Nicki didn’t complain about racism, she complained about body types. And it’s bullshit anyway because Beyonce got nominated several times and she is notably not built like Taylor Swift.

So it’s OK for Nicky to sell a very stereotypical and sexualized black female body? Is that supposed to be more empowering or something?

For a man whose actions were all about power and control? Indeed yes. Very satisfying.

Post-partum Pink