oh god not again

but how do you keep yourself outraged? gotta have tumblr on your phone for that

But men DONT compete in women’s gymnastics because males and females have different bodies. That’s the whole point, duh.

Beam isn’t even part of men’s gymnastics so I don’t know what your point is. And male gymnasts are still stronger than female gymnasts. There are certain moves (like the Thomas salto) which are banned from women’s gymnastics, because women simply don’t have the strength to pull it off consistently (a female gymnast

The photo I posted illustrated my point. My point being that this issue desperately requires some serious discussion.

So what if everyone’s body is unique? STATISTICALLY, xy bodies are advataged over xx bodies. That is an indisputable fact. So far there is little evidence demonstrating that xy bodies lose their advantages via transition.

It’s not just density, it’s structure. Longer bones improve reach, for example.

No, it’s not just hormones and muscle mass. Skeletal structure plays a huge role in physical advantage and transgender treatments do not resolve the issue.

Competitive sports are comprised of people with the most physically advantaged bodies. And XY bodies are statistically more physically advantaged than XX bodies. That’s the point.

The issue of trans women competing in women’s sports desperately needs some real discussion. Here is trans woman Gabrielle Ludwig with her basketball team:

this is one of those things which i just dont get. I’m trying to think back, and i dont think there has been a single time where ive been concerned about a partner’s ex. i mean, they’re an EX. they broke up. finito.

yes. that is true.

i dont think he feels remorse, but i bet all his honors being stripped away pisses him off

i’m so glad this all happening while he is alive, so he has to suffer through it.

i fear your comment because right now i am into “smokey eye” and yet i can’t be sure i’m doing it right.

now i have RSI in my wrist from all the scrolling this post required.

so much ennui

i wanted to read this post for longer than it took me to read it.

There could be a program subsidized by the government to cover the costs for the daycare centre (I’m not a USAian, and understand this idea may be too commie for you guys).

none of these desribe me but I am definitely a type of drunk.

so what? there’s no way for us to tell which ones are predators.