oh god not again

Seeing the video of her barreling into those cars has given me a bitter taste about these otherwise positive stories. May she redeem herself with the work on behalf of less fortunate trans people.

It’s absolutely true that it isn’t douching. But it’s also the case that soap should not be used inside of your labia majora or anywhere internal to that. Soap should not be used on mucous membranes because it can cause infection and disturb the pH balance. Bubble baths are a major source of infection for women,

Improper and unhealthy hygiene are not “hashtag pussy power.” If anything is, it’d be learning to properly care for your female genitalia. Soap should never be used on your mucous membranes. Never. This means, you do not use soap of any kind on the inside of your labia majora or anywhere internal to that. Ever. That

“A new study?”

In college I was literally 2 seats adjacent to 3 guys who were “joking” about “gangbanging” me (it was years ago but they said something to the effect of “hey lets get a gangbang on!” while chuckling to one another and glancing at me). When I sprang out of my chair (scared out of my mind cus it was just them 3 and

Its entire culture is so boring to me. Getting high itself is just cotton mouth and paranoia. I understand that its SUPER AWESOME MAN to a lot of people, but I would rather just get drunk.

Controversial opinion: weed isn’t nearly as interesting as people think it is.

i agree. but we don’t live in a society where women and men are treated the same. we live in a society where even men in prison are accorded more rights than women. there are many women who report assaults in prison, only to end up in segregated housing or moved to maximum security prisons, even though their crimes

You are dreaming. It’s great that he did this for the wrongly incarcerated, but he’s a thoroughgoing corporatist with no interest in upsetting the economic system that perpetuates economic inequality, especially for women. Indeed, his interest is in promoting it, as the “American Way,” and “freedom.” He gets some very

I always wondered why it was first only for girls. I get that girls are at risk for cervical cancer so they need protection from the virus. But most of the girls are getting it from boys, so why wouldn’t you also prevent the boys from getting it? I mean, as much as we don’t want our daughters to get cervical cancer,

Yes, that paragraph is in the article, I actually read it.

Since I complain so much and so often about the exaltation of “sex workers” on this site, quick kudos for having the nerve to write and run a story that allows that prostitution might actually not be a good thing, without the equivocating “but empowerment / Belle Knox / you do you girl!” disclaimer.

Even if they hadn’t told her what it was for (which is possible, if they didn’t want her to inadvertently stage a reaction, etc), no one should ever be filmed without signing a contract. She clearly agreed to be in his piece, she walked around the city for 10 or so hours with a camera. Also, when you agree to that,

It might be that the video was widely condemned for its racist editing bias and she agreed to be associated with a feminist cause, but not one that was going to edit the footage together that way.

Did you miss the fact that the author was a foster kid, not a trust fund baby?

I disagree. I think this is the best thing ever. She knew Cosby personally and it’s hard when you think you know someone to assume that other people talking about him is truth.

This story makes me wonder how many women in insane asylums in those days were really just rape victims.

I have a policy of never clicking on a Kardashian or K-related post on Jez. That has held me in good stead but I read this one because it referenced Amandla Stenberg and... Well, you know.

This is a joke? Jokes are funny. What the hell man?

Yes - I can’t hate Camille. She’s unknowingly in a two person cult. If this man is capable of treating strangers in a certain way (incapacitating them and raping them), how does he treat the women he lives with? It can’t be good.