oh god not again

Humanism is rooted in the privileged male experience. When you say I’m a humanist and not a feminist, it’s because feminism has a negative connotation. You attain gender equality by advocating for the rights of the underprivileged gender, not by pretending humanism is a substitute for feminism. It’s not. It was

White lives matter, ethics in journalism, #notallsendersofdickpics, amirite? LOL LOL fuck you

Because the issues she says she is passionate about are feminist issues.

Except they’re two significantly different things; to even suggest one is an alternative to the other illustrates a fundamental ignorance of both. I think before anything else changes, we should make it illegal to form and share opinions about a subject without at least reading its Wikipedia entry. I’m so tired of

It annoys me to no end when celebrities/drunk people at parties/ talking heads drag out that “waaah, feminism has the word prefix ‘fem’ in it and therefore can only be about wimminz and haven’t we moved past that as a society now?” No, sorry, “humanism” means “I personally think everyone should be equal, and that’s

I like Rihanna but that video is terrible

There is daily mail Australia. The front page and the stories you get in Australia is different from the UK and there is a huge newsroom in Australia and all the stories are written by Australian journalists. It may have co.uk at the end but it is the Australian part.

The Daily Mail is a digital-only publication in Australia, they have a big newsroom there, Australian journalists, and an Australian-facing website. In the same way the Guardian has a US office and website but only publishes the paper in the UK.

This sounds very suspiciously like that old bullshit “We need to stop talking about racism if we ever hope to overcome racism”.

Exactly. I could, obviously, be wrong, but I’m going to say 1) alcohol 2) sitting down in the road 3) the fact that apparently it was in front of her—all these point to something other than depression, something more like alcohol combined with assholitis. I feel bad for her family.

Men always seem to make women suffer.

He didn’t really want to die or she wouldn’t have known about his probably loud, drunken, dramatic plans. I have a speculative narrative running in my mind about whether or not she was going to break up with him and he threatened to kill himself. That is, I stress, entirely speculative.

That’s depressing. The least a suicidal person can do is try and make it clean and not get others involved. Like it is hard to live when the only reason you’re living is to not rock the boat for other people. But still have a little self awareness.

Just because they rallied around a woman for three days (congrats, that’s like 42 months in Internet Years) does some somehow excuse them from all the other bullshit from the past.

So she had issues with gender discrimination before and took her next job at Reddit?

Oh for pete’s sake, Little Mary Sunshine. Don’t you know that “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”? You sound like a bubble-headed idiot. As if there aren’t many, many more countries where women enjoy the same privileges that you do. And they don’t have to do it while dodging bullets from the hundreds of

It’s just normal background give-a-fucks.

I am not really a fan of this tattoo. I don’t like the whole “collection of random tattoo” thing that some people have. I like them to have some sort of rhyme or reason.

Discovering masturbation is pretty great though.

This is accurate.