oh god not again

She talks about what a nice person she was and how they played football together. She could have just ignored him. But she can’t gush over their shared memories in the middle of open court.

Yeah, she didn’t look nearly terrified enough, and kept hold of her sunglasses in her hand the entire time she was supposedly scared for her life.

The writing and structure felt unique. But it might be because Matthew McConaughey. Chances are, if anyone else was reading those lines, it would sound like an editorial in a college newspaper by a white sophomore kid who just discovered weed and atheism.

Am I the only one who thought that True Detective was insanely boring?

The thing is though it’s not like manspreading technically takes up more than “one seat” -unlike putting your bag on another seat, the dude in question is encroaching on the space in front of the seat of the person that’s next to him. So a “one person one seat” campaign won’t address the problem. Also the term

I have witnessed more women taking up tons of space with their large handbags and packages than I have see men spreading their legs taking up space.

Note that no online media campaign has begun yet about “purse spreaders.” I imagine him out there with his cell phone, a lonely man, riding the trains and hoping desperately for that moment to arrive. Maybe at Christmas time, my hot-balled friend, maybe at Christmas time. Keep up hope!

People like this don’t want to pay for the babies, either.

Right, because we’re fucking and reproducing all on our own out here. Parthenogenesis, here I come!

because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins

Good for her. These little subtle things can really add up to economic disadvantages for women. I don't see how there's any possible justification for not lifting the tax, assuming all facts reported are correct.

You are so right. I work at a very liberal-friendly company, but at a location in Texas. We actually had to institute a rule late last year that you could not discuss your diet while at work. Waaaaaaaaay too many arguments, what with half the company vegan/vegetarian/paleo Crossfitters, and the other half red-blooded

I certainly agree that those genes are critical when it comes to making more people, but the fact that women exist should tell you that an individual can live a long healthy life without them.

Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.

I’m sorry, but, you’re totally making all of this up. I’m from München, and we (and everyone else in the entirely far less provincial rest of the country) is very well aware of both “racial descriptions” and the ascription of power to white men. What a weird thing to make a troll post about.

So, ultimately, Montage of Heck defends Courtney Love by saying she didn’t flat-out murder her husband, but that she instead drove him to suicide.

When I was with my ex, I used to get them ALL THE DAMNED TIME - I’d be pissing clots of blood, I ended up in hospital once with a kidney infection, and they absolutely ruled my existence. It was a stressful period of my life, which may have contributed to it, but I’d have one every three weeks or so. Eventually I

Eh, I’m gonna give Kris a pass here (and only here). We’d all love to believe that we would be our best selves 100 percent of the time, but Bruce’s transition has a pretty profound impact on Kris’s life, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she has some conflicted feelings about it.

It’s inspiring that Bruce is living his

Lots acknowledge it, but there are also lots of people who definitely neglect to include it in discussions about the impact of war.