oh god not again

I've got GG boymen replying to this and omg dismissing them feels so good. #misandry #censorship

That should read, "...nauseating your reader." I wouldn't generally correct a comment, but yours needed workshopping.

Canyon of misinterpreted judgment before me. My polkadots, never one to back down from a challenge, have softened to a muted hue. Fearful to illuminate in an over-saturated habitat.

Then I think of what Sean Penn did to her - on top of this, and he 96% knowing this had happened to her- and I want to hurt people. Or, rather, him. Him. And people who defend him. Oh, and those who keep giving him work.

You say that as if "talented" writers all have equal access to the market (publishing houses, editors, best-sellers lists) or that all talented individuals have equal insight into different worlds. Neither of those things is true. Pushing oneself beyond the best-sellers lists to read different perspectives on the

Most of the time, I do not even know it, and quite frankly, I don't care.

Will we ever get an update on the story about the girl with the ultrasound photos claiming she was pregnant and no one would believe her?

Funny that the people who worried that ACA would put a government bureaucrat between people and their doctors have no problem putting one between a woman and her doctor if she wants to end a pregnancy.

because soon she will have Amber Rose hairstyle

Sweet assumption bro. I'm assuming you're deciding what fedora to wear to your MRA meeting.

I find Amber Rose a tad boring. That is all.

My great grandma used to say things looked American. This was absolutely not a compliment. She spoke maybe 20 words of English.

If only OTC anxiety supplements had hidden benzos in them. Why do guys with boner problems get all the fun?

Most men and women 30 and up need to dress like a damn adult.

And a someone (especially a teen) might be more comfortable flagging a concerning post rather than confronting the person directly.

One of my cats melts like jello in a sack on a hot day when you hold him. When I'm alone, I dance with him because he lets me. He purrs like crazy and oozes about in my arms while the other pets look on like we're both nuts, but this cat is the perfect dance partner. He never minds if I miss the steps, and he's

I did look. I was not a super clean or neat person before my husband and I started living together. But in the 10 years since then, I've grown up, and my standards have gotten higher. I guess I thought the same might happen to him?

Yeah, a lot of men seem to believe that if they are doing the "manly" work, like mowing the lawn and fixing things around the house, that makes the housework equal. They don't think about the actual time involved in those respective tasks; cooking and cleaning has to be done every damn day, while mowing the lawn is

There is a male version of the painting now too - it was on display at the same museum a few years back at their "Masculin" exhibition. Exactly the same pose, but of a man (in a state of arousal). The title: L'origine de la guerre (the origin of war). I have to say I chuckled.

"That was very interesting to me, as an evolutionary psychologist, that it reflects kind of ancestral tendencies."