oh god not again

Pro-tip: no one is honest about parenting on the internet. I'm sure you can see why.

This guy is a terrible fucking human being for dumping these kids off like he apparently did. And adopting kids as accessories, or as chits to get you into heaven is just fucked up.

I'm an adoptive parent and a Christian, and unfortunately, this kind of thing can easily happen when those two come together. I have come to know quite a few families in the adoption community that adopted because of reading James 1:27 ("Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look

Wait, why the fuck does she have to wear a corset at all? Why can't she just wear a dress? There is literally no reason to wear a corset, especially since she has "quite a small waist." Fuck right off, Disney/Hollywood/rich old white dudes.

As a woman in a relationship with a woman, I love hearing about the little domestic habits of queer women. Sharing clothes and make up are a huge perk to loving ladies. :)

So, like, I care about the fishies and nature and all, but one time I got one of those things in my eye. I was staying somewhere else post-Hurricane Sandy and had given birth literally 2 weeks prior. I am not exaggerating when I say the pain was on par with the pain post-birthing. And I couldn't see out of one eye for

What about a lower back/kidney dog? Something warm to hang around my lower back would be awesome, thanks.

Never used deep throat. Really hate the name of it too.

This is so Robert Altman that my head is spinning …

Or from a textbook describing sexism. Faceless, ass-first, half-naked in a row like cuts of meat under glass.

Men fully clothed. Women almost naked. Yawn.

I am so heartbroken for how desperately lonely this woman must be to believe this story.

I like how you explained the fact that there already exists a double-standard in the portrayal and sexualization of men and women and then yet proceeded to say that such a problem doesn't exist.

The sexualization isn't for women however. Studies have shown that when men are ripped and buff, it's not appealing to women, it's appealing to men who uphold that as the ideal image of a man.

"social justice whiners" wow that's clever! you must be very smart.

She's been warped and distorted into a toxic individual by others. She's just fine.

Pretending as if you are disappointed that they are never going away, yet they are reported on every day.

I went to the E.R. a year ago because I just felt "weird". My heart was beating a bit fast and I felt...no other way to say it....weird. I thought for sure I was being an idiot. Or that maybe they might say it was a panic attack. I almost talked myself out of going.

lol, cool, way to take a bold "don't take unwanted pictures of women and put them on the internet" stand in 20 fucking 15, guys