oh god not again

We all had promise and potential when we were 18. Alas, the years have a way of correcting that, especially in women. Personally, I'm just hoping I still have all of my teeth and most of my marbles by the time I hit 35. I gotta tell you, the auguries aren't good. Not for any of us.

I don't know if the concern is necessarily some guy dressing up as a woman in order to rape you in a bathroom or change room. I think the concern.for a lot of people is the that there are men out there who would go to those lengths to see women in various states of undress, or pedophiles who would certainly go to

I dated someone like this. They're out there.

The woman is my goddamn idol. I mean, I still don't want to be married, but in principle I love her.

I mean, it really is that simple. All of this could have been avoided.

Hot Take:

I was honestly pretty meh about this idea until the screeching backlash started.

Sequels, of course, are a mixed bag...wherein most of the bag items are pieces of garbage.

Well, if you don't believe the justice system is hostile to rape victims, I suggest you read Jezebel more often. But, just looking at bare statistics:

What's not to understand? The number of rapes that occur in any given country is in stark contrast to the number of rapists who actually end up in prison.

I don't understand how men don't get how bad that is. Tbh I mostly think it's an excuse that they supposedly don't know that it's not just "games" and "flirting". It is a powergame and meant to reduce women in public to a group which can be easily be judged by the other, socially dominant group - men. I think most of

I'm really glad to read that not everyone posting is ignoring the dynamics of domestic violence as well as all the ways society failed this child. What seems to be given little mention is what really is best for the surviving children. Those that seem to think that her children being taken from her is the solution

There was also this Buzzfeed article about abused women jailed for child endangerment after whose abusive partners murdered their children. The consequences of domestic abuse are beyond devastating when there are children in the mix. http://www.buzzfeed.com/alexcampbell/h…

I've never posted here before but always lurked. As a survivor of domestic violence, the responses here really sadden me.

There is so much victim blaming going on here. Sure, perhaps the mother is also a monster, or, more likely, she is a also a victim of this terrible man's abuse. Domestic violence isn't just physical - it's more than likely that he was exerting a LOT of power over her - emotionally, psychologically, financially, and

I don't know this situation, but I work with DV survivors and quite often women who are being terrorized in abusive relationships end up losing their kids - sometimes permanently - because they're not able to protect them from abuse. This woman might be a monster, but this could also easily be another case where the

Yeah, I'm pretty die-hard in the "cats indoors" camp, but some cats, especially if they spent part of their first year outdoors, are ruined for life. I was determined my cat, who was adopted at age one, would live a safe, plush indoor life for all her days. That asshole, on the other hand, did not agree. Now, she

It needs to go outside. I had a cat like that once. It would literally run up walls. Then my roommate and I moved to a place with a backyard and started letting him explore outside. (I know, I know. They kill birds.) His personality COMPLETELY changed. He would explore outside to his heart's content and then come

I have nothing against being an escort if that's a choice and good for her, I guess for still finding a way to make money but the whole thing makes me sad. Like, it doesn't feel like escort service was a legitimate choice she made, it's something she does out of desperation. Her whole life just bums me out. I can't

Chikungunya isn't rare just because Americans haven't heard of it. It's wreaking havoc all over the tropics and while rarely fatal, is incredibly painful and lingers for months once you're infected. Everyone I know is affected, including my father in law who is 77, was already suffering from shingles, and now cannot