oh god not again

Honestly, I think this article is kind of "bad and dumb." Complaining about people giving a scene in "Girls" too much attention by giving it more attention? Just seems ridiculous to me. The fact that this incensed you enough to write an article complaining about it only seems to reinforce the idea that "Girls" has

So this lady is a piece of trash for sure. But if I'm understanding this correctly - the person who was listed on his microchip is the one who took off and abandoned the dog with this lady? Explain to me why he's not also getting in trouble?

You are "raging so hard" bc some random woman left a dog with food and water?

Okay, I am not defending her actions AT ALL, but having worked at animal shelters, I can tell you that the amount of people who dump their unwanted pets on the side of the road, at intersections, etc. is huge. I'd rather this lady do what she did (safely restrained with his stuff where someone could find him) rather

I mean, I'm black and I've seen plenty of big butts if that's what you're getting at and it looks unnatural. It doesn't even resemble someone with steatopygia (which she clearly doesn't have). Like I said, I don't understand it. And I apologize but if you really can't see a difference than your observation skills are

Well she really needs the money, now that she has to support Sean Penn. When was the last time that he made a movie that more then 100 people went to see at one time.

Can I ask why you're still with him? Sounds all around pretty lazy and selfish IMO, which often translates to other areas of the relationship, too...

This! This is why marriage is in decline for lower income people. Single women/single mothers are trying to make it work on one income, but they (the heterosexual ones at least) aren't attaching themselves to a man because men are useless. If Hanna Rosin is right and we've reached the end of men, it seems like it

Maybe if enough of these cases get prosecuted, little shits like this will fucking think TWICE about spreading images they've taken without women's knowledge or consent.

In situations like this though, where this girl was photographed and then it was distributed without her knowledge or consent, I don't have a problem with them facing punishment. That is wrong and exploitative behavior regardless of age.

Let's hope it lingers.

good for her. She is all grown up while her exboyfriend is still acting like he is still 17.

He and Johnny Depp are entering the era many men do in their 40's. The alcohol has taken it's toll and your body can't handle it anymore. What was once cute or interesting now comes across as brain damage.

He thinks he's acting 23?

Blue Ivy belongs on the Best Dressed Men in Britain list?

I have colleagues saying that male violence against women is "natural" since it is an "evolutionary" trait. I don't even know where to start with.....

I wouldn't be so hard on Princess Diana; she did do a bunch for destigmatizing AIDS and getting antipersonnel mines banned. She wasn't a complete dilettante....

what's the over under on this? How many times does someone have to do it before it stops being news?

I always find this discussion of mandatory condom use in porn interesting because even the "sex positive" commenters seem to make an a priori assumption that the existing working conditions for performers are reasonable and therefore not the problem. By not questioning the working conditions created at a time when

I've been flying ~ 100k miles per year for work, for ten years or so up until about a year ago.