oh god not again

Can we fucking stop with this shit? All this talk. All these articles about how sex can be great, suuure, without orgasms. ONE LITTLE DETAIL in all these articles though - almost all the women who don't come with their man are usually getting themselves off alone. I don't know about anyone else, but when I MASTURBATE,

I should have said "What is human life". But that is of course a valid point.

Is it just me, or do all of these people sound the same?

Eh. No it's not. And this sounds like whiny bullshit.

they havent said in this article that he suffers from mental illness. if he does, then i retract my statement & apologize for it.

"This is one of those tragic situations where somebody is now without a home and for such a minor reason," said Frankfort Police Major Robert Warfel. "It's disturbing."

Tom Hiddleston would make a great everything.

Wouldn't it have been faster for her to go to Walmart and come back with everything. Also these kids are snitches.

That makes perfect sense. Wife gets sick of being rejected for porn, grows more lonely and resentful, figures she might as well be single, initiates divorce. Men rarely get off their asses to actually do the divorce paperwork. That doesn't mean they are innocent divorce victims.

I suppose anything in moderation is not an impediment to marriage, but porn interferes with emotional connection and can definitely end a marriage..I have two female friends who divorced because of their husband's obsession with porn.

Clearly the only way to balance this out is for women to watch more porn, right?

This is why I don't like and will never like Anonymous. Vigilantism is only ever cool in fiction. If only they'd stuck to victimizing rapists (who, apparently, are no worse than girls who have sex on camera?) with their unethical horseshit, I was vaguely resigned to their existence. Their anger toward rapists was

White liberal men always resort to misogyny when confronted with a women they disagree with (if you don't believe it, mention Ann Coulter's name and they instantly turn into Andrew Dice Clay). This is why I'm skeptical of so many male "feminists"—and this is why we had feminist separatism.

That they're comparing Iggy's (supposed) sex tape to Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women over decades is appalling.

i read about this case in el salvador where this 9 yr old girl who was raped was denied an abortion because jesus

It is also perfectly acceptable to to keep dead women on life support to keep their unborn fetuses alive in 12 States in the US, also 30 US states have statutes limiting the circumstances in which life-sustaining treatment of a pregnant woman can be withdrawn.

I like how people in the comments are whining about male discrimination, when in Ireland, it's perfectly acceptable to keep dead women on life support to keep their unborn fetuses alive, and there's a fucking bill trying to get passed in the U.S. that would make it illegal for women to get abortions without male

To be perfectly honest, I don't give two fuck's about the state of your balls if you're using it as an excuse to encroach on my personal space. You know what's also not comfortable? Squinching yourself up into the tiniest human ball ever so some dude's balls can air out.

Then how are men able to do it in other scenarios? I see dudes sitting in church for hours every week without splaying, or men sitting straight and politely in a chair during long job interviews and they seem to manage fine. Hardly any of them have tears streaming down their faces from the pain of their crushed nuts.