oh god not again

Um yea. Everybody gets itchy. You know what we do? We fucking deal with it. We expect you to fucking deal with it. Nobody cares about your itchy dick.

Maybe it's because I'm not a woman

I mean it depends. Do you want to know real love? Because you won't know it. You won't know real love until you see Helena in season 2.

All this seems masturbatory. The debate is so focused on women and their bodies and how we see fit to use them, that I fail to detect any eroticism in this balls to the wall exhibitionist exploitation masking as sexuality that we either ardently support or bemoan. It is, at its core, the most cynical of conceits. The

Girls? I have seen grown men freak at the slightest bit of turbulence.

Except they are very capable and wholeheartedly expect sympathy from women.

The fact is, men do get sympathy from other men. Women don't. We don't even really expect sympathy from our partners. They greatly expect it from us. Men are trained to be somewhat sociopathic about women; we are not trained that way.

I find myself reacting the same way. I remember my husband once told me, "I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself." I said, "DO YOU NOW!??!" and walked out of the room.

Men aren't trained to expect sympathy from other men, true, but they are trained to expect sympathy from, without extending sympathy to, women.

So revenge porn is only a big deal to Jezebel under specific circumstances, otherwise still funny?

Good lord, my guy's on vacation and I am LIVING this right now. Zero empathy. Thanks Science, for giving an explanation for why my fiancée gives ZERO FUCKS about helping me around the house.

I can attest to this. Whenever men have been most moved by my requests in a relationship, it's generally because I made them feel like a bad boyfriend/bad person for not being able to understand why what they did hurt my feelings not because they saw it hurt my feelings and naturally reacted to stop that from

I'd be more interested in a study to determine how the University of Queensland ended up in New Zealand. (I'm hoping for instantaneous mass teleportation. Or stolen by keas.)

I'm pretty sure this translates outside of hetero relationships too, in business settings and in friendship..

It is not that men are unemotional or uncaring, since they are quite strongly affected by what happens to themselves, but they simply are not very emotional when it comes to the feelings of their partner

Nope. Read what I wrote. If a man doesn't want to pay support he can keep his sperm to himself.

Okay, this is statistical, but in the U.S. if one in six women is raped in her lifetime, and rapists average six victims, then one in 34 men in the U.S. is a rapist. We all know a rapist. Probably several over our lifetimes. And I don't see 5,000,000 men in prison for rape.