oh god not again

that does strike me as bullshit logic, and a bad metric for determining grant funding.

I agree. If someone was looking to troll I'd expect the posts to sound a lot more sensational.

This was my thought too. I am inclined to think it's fake, because well, you know. On the other hand, if it was fake I'd expect it to be a lot more sensational and trolly. The above posts sound too reasonable for someone looking to stir up the pot with innuendo and controversy.

ooh. good point.

I thought the same thing actually. She did say she changed the details. Maybe (if this person is legit) she changed "grew up poor in the USA" to "to grew up in a poor country". No idea if selena gomez comes from a working class background though.

I'll sign a few autographs, take photos with kids, thank them and that's it.

lol. so stealing this. much relevant.

Heh, I'm STILL not over Adrianna's murder on the Sopranos.

Lol, nope! Jezebel is the worst for being stuck in the greys!

She's got some good points. I agree that its a shame that levis no longer sticks to usa manufacturing. I bought a pair of levis (curve ID range) a few years ago, and they stretched out more than normal. I took them back to the shop, and the sales assistant laid them out against a pair of new jeans of the same size,

eh, diversity is great and much more interesting to watch than the sea of white normcores.

i miss being a teen and having the energy to experience strong emotions over shit that doesn't matter

I also suffer from what I call Post-Party Depression, whether it's after a vacation or highly-planned birthday or other event, where I can feel a bit down afterwards.

I am leaving because I want to be a normal 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some private time out of the spotlight.

I like the retro look of the US cover. Nostalgic.

He's not being penalised though. It's just the law, which applies to everyone. PR to citizenship can be tricky for people who travel a lot for work, but frankly, i can't feel sorry for crowe with his millions of dollars and expensive wharf mansion on sydney harbour. He is in the privileged position that he doesn't

he should apply for citizenship of mars. Then he could leave earth and never come back.

Applicants who were neither in the country on 26 February 2001, nor in the country for at least 12 months in the two years prior, must now be permanent residents in order to apply for Australian citizenship.

So. Finger tattoos (only tangentially related to wedding tattoos). Does anyone else think they are a really bad idea? It seems like the lines would get really feathery over the years. Can someone with more knowledge confirm or deny?

They've outworn their 15 mins of fame by a long shot, and yet they STILL WONT GO AWAY.