oh god not again

except those drinking cheap cali wines, maybe

jezebel needs more ab fab gifs in general

I wish i could be like you! I'm not good at managing expectations, so they always get dashed.

So I know Forever Alone is said as a kind of joke. But does anyone else really feel it, for real?

Misinformed? Fuck you. I actually WAS vegetarian for a decade. I'm not just spouting shit out of my ass.

I do want to say "no shit", but I won't because it's true, these things do need to be proved with studies.

It isn't absorbed in the same way. That's the point. This applies to many supplements. Most of the nutrient content ends up going down the toilet when you pee if you're taking vitamins.

Would star this a million times if I could.

Anthony Trollope? I have read a couple of his books, and I can't disagree with you!

Ugh. I hate the way everyone dismisses the romance genre as a big fucking joke. It's the most popular literary genre there is. It probably keeps the whole publishing industry afloat (I think I've read this somewhere, but no time to confirm that right now).

I think it's a terrible idea.

It kinda does though, from a parents point of view. And that's the problem really, because baby appears to be growing normally, and then suddenly experiences a regression. And that leaves the door wide open for all sorts of speculation and conspiracy theories.

Ah, but when I said "everyone has one" I meant that both female and male bodies possess an asshole. Not that every individual on the planet has an asshole.`

yes, i really dislike internet mob vigilantism too. The attacks usually end up outweighing whatever stupid thing the person did (and usually the bad thing in question was due to thoughtlessness or a lapse in judgement, not malice. Though perhaps not in this case - kills really did sound quite spiteful on the show). It

also, asshole.

She wasnt on call 24/7. she had time off like everyone else does in their jobs.

its not an "argument". Its true.

I still think william is lazy. even harry seems more enthusiastic about royal duties (he worked really hard on the invictus games). william and kate could be (and i think should be) doing so much more with patronage. william has always come across as rather unenthusiastic about the prospect of taking the throne, and i