“The last time they were in the playoffs, in 2014, they were the ones giving up a string of unanswered runs and then losing in extras.”
“The last time they were in the playoffs, in 2014, they were the ones giving up a string of unanswered runs and then losing in extras.”
Counterpoint: Fuck the Patriots.
Oh yeah, she dumb.
True. Catholicism is unquestionably the best sports team.
I’m ok with people reclining. I’m not ok with them thinking the seat has exactly two postions; up and reclined, and assuming they just need to get from one to the other as fast as humanly possibly. Ease it back, don’t slam it back suddenly.
I wonder if he recognizes the irony of him not wanting his space encroached on.
They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.
I think you mean “diarrhea capsule”.
In suppository form.
I refuse to believe that Larry Fedora is an actual name and not substantive evidence of the shared simulation we call reality breaking down.
The whole “Pence is worst” line is useless and a distraction. And he is certainly not more insane. He has shitty views to say the least, but keeping Trump there under the false narrative that Pence would be in any worse is, at this point, a pretty dumb thing to say.
I really, really hate being that guy, especially when it comes to people as abjectly evil as this, but that photo of Miller has been photoshopped. I legit *detest* having to defend this dude in any way or form, but if we’re interested in combatting fake news, it’s best not to propagate our own. Plus, the dude looks…
They’ve truly taken selective listening to a new level.
Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.
Ideally, that would make sense. But like Drew said, once you’re on the road you want to get to There. If I stop I’m gonna have to pass the same assholes I passed an hour ago.
It’s gonna be real sad when he’s out of football for a few years and he forgets why the rocks are on his porch.
Seems like a bad decision for a guy who now plays in a glass house.