Larry Dallas

Ugh. I like Irving Berlin as much as the next very old person, but I’m not standing at attention for a Tin Pan Alley tune. Especially when it is sung like a funeral dirge and not the celebratory song it was meant to be. I will thank all of you for staying well clear of my lawn.

Eat faster. Problem solved.

It doesn’t help that his uniform let him cosplay as a Brown Shirt every day.

I don’t think it would have started with the cop even asking him to get out. He’d be on the ground with a knee in his back in a second. I grew up in those parts and had more than a couple run ins with the local constabulary. A surprising number of “good ol’ boys” on the Central Coast, cops included.

I think she dumps him as soon as he no longer has any measurable influence. He’ll go back to what ever neo-fascist bunker he slithered out of to write screeds online for a die-hard subscriber base of hard right cousin-fuckers, and she will ascend to her rightful place as a talking head on FOX News, giving its aging

Solid list and great gateway films into more classics. 

Cold comfort is still comfort. I will take it.

Heavens! I hope it's better than Cruz's ill advised chin circle or Junior's thing that looks a small animal died on his face.

But that would expose my double-chin! Vanity is a harsh mistress.

These two dumbshits make me embarrassed to have a beard. 

I recently started working as a welder. I put on my steel-toed boots every morning. Fuck this guy and his heroes who think because I work in the trades, I am automatically in his hip pocket. Yes, a lot of people in the field tend to be conservative but plenty are not. And can we dispense with this bullshit that blue

Got it at launch and still play every day. I don’t have a whole lot to do anymore besides redecorate my house from time to time, but I still stop in at least once a day to clean up weeds and shells, dig up fossils, and say “hi” to my neighbors. (I have an unhealthy fixation on Hornsby.) Occasionally I’ll cash in some

Extra stars for Lysistrata call out. My BFA in theatre has never felt more relevant.

Not surprised but still disgusted that these repulsive skin sacks just assume women can’t resist them. I try to avoid body shaming but show me a woman who just can’t wait to nab a fleshy neck flap and a 38-inch waist shoved into size 34 Dockers. I assume it is a fetish for someone but let her make the first move.

A reminder: Considering a murder/suicide? Do the suicide first.

On the shitter, Elvis Presley style. Let his final moment rob him of his last shred of dignity

I have full keyboard on my phone and I’m going to god damned use it. I don’t abbreviate and I don’t use “text speak.” If my use of correct punctuation hurts your feelings, I don’t know what to do for you. Also I’m old and have been an editor for almost 20 years. I will be dead soon and you can bury my CMOS with me. 

Pretty sure no *actual* titans of industry use "lol." I know all I need to know about her business acumen.

Watched whatever that last Avengers movie was and when he came on I thought, "man, he's looking rough." When I said to my wife that he looked like a beat up old shoe she got mad because she thought I was being rude. She did not, however, disagree.

I hope some day I will feel that kind of unadulterated joy over something... anything.