I am glad the Mets are around to make me hate myself a little less for being a fan of the Mariners.
I am glad the Mets are around to make me hate myself a little less for being a fan of the Mariners.
I lived in Boston for 10 pretty awful Patriots seasons (‘89 - ‘98) and, yes, I include the last gasp of the Parcells era among the awful. But I don’t think you can call yourself a true Pats fan unless you’ve had a fur-coat-wearing, Salvation-Army-bell-ringing Irving Fryar call you a cheapskate for not putting money in…
I’m not NOT saying that.
What you can’t see in that photo of Pence is that his hand is behind his back and their is an assistant behind him, reaching through his arm and shaking the Irish PM’s hand.
I’m a jerk like that.
He'll be one of the few bullpen coaches anybody remembers.
I did enjoy the year Kyle Seager (of the Mariners) wore “Corey’s Brother” on his jersey in honor of his brother who is probably a better player and definitely on a better team.
“Don’t pay the design firm for logos. My kid knows computers, I’ll have him whip some up in that AutoCAD or whatever.”
Dundalk sounds nice.
Such language!
I am 51 years old and I swear Ben Whatshisberger has been the Pittsburgh QB for my entire life. That guy is inhuman, but not in anything close to a good way.
This is the real war on Christmas.
Zero. Zero seconds. Anybody else? He is my least favorite of this iteration of Queer Eye. Which is stunning because the cast includes Jonathan.
This is the most I have heard from or about Delaney. Ever. I look forward to never hearing from him again. This was his “Howard Dean scream.” Or possibly his “Mike Dukakis riding in a tank” moment (for you in the senior set).
I have never wanted a Harley before. But a twist-and-go, electric Harley? I’m intrigued. Also, I recently turned 51 so it could just be my age talking.
Velcro shoes are for small children and my dad who is 92 and has arthritis so bad he can’t tie shoes anymore. Full stop.
“You drink in public. You work in a ditch alone.”