Larry Dallas

“However, if you write it like this ...”

She’s mixing with hoi polloi and not hiding out in an airline lounge? Either she’s come down in the world or she’s an idiot.

I bought my Forester in 2002. It has just over 130,000 miles on it (I rode a scooter for a long time, then rode a bike, only using the car sparingly). I’ll buy a new car when the wheels fall off the current one. No amount of window dressing by Ford, or whomever, is going to make a difference to me when it’s time to

The league owes it to the manly sport they seek to elevate… and to the patrons of the sport, to remove the last vestige of ruffianism from the professional baseball field.”

I do not disagree.

I love me some Tin Pan Alley tunes. But they aren't hymns.


My biggest problem (among several) with that song being sung at baseball games is that everyone sings it like a funeral dirge. Irving Berlin wrote it as a genuinely heartfelt paean to his adopted home. If you hear recordings of him singing it, it’s quite upbeat. Yes, it’s schmaltzy but it was written as a pure

Do I need to know who this pair of dessicated testicles are? Because I don't and I have a feeling my life is better for it.

When I say Gooch, you say Fant!

Well, you're Aces in my book.

No, YOU are wildly underrated.

On its face, I would take one year of this contract and keep my mouth shut. But I am not a professional athlete thus exist in a very different economy. These guys got jobbed. Or let themselves get jobbed. Or their agent did. I’m going to lay this on their agent. I hope if any other players are represented by same,

Ugh, the one of them running on the side of the hill. Kinja not like my photo.

I have run a lot of trails. Never fast, but definitely some challenging terrain. That said, I think both of my ankles snapped just from looking at this picture.

In some distant future, you will awaken in the middle of the night with a profound and unshakable regret that you did not vote for Corno Pronk. May a curse be on you and your children and your children’s children.

Also, it’s “few and far between.”

More bench clearing when Pittsburgh wears those throwbacks! Never get tired of seeing those unis. 

Yeah, I really don’t get it. Once in a while he says something sorta interesting that makes me want to give him a shot but then I discover he is still himself and I go back to not wanting anything to do with him. Oh well, plenty of better stuff to watch.

Bill Maher is fucking insufferable. As a middle-aged white dude I feel like I am supposed to be his audience, but the longer he has a platform the more incontrovertible the evidence becomes that he's just an entitled asshole. I don't understand why he still has a show.