Larry Dallas

Aha! You’d think that as a baseball fan my whole life, I’d have tumbled to that by now. Thank you.

At a previous job we were working on a holiday promotion. The designers were working on a snowy winter look-and-feel when someone said, “but it doesn’t look like that in Australia this time of year.” Our running joke then became “Don’t offend Australia.” Who knew we were so far ahead of the curve.

Can anyone tell me how trades like this happen? I’m asking genuinely. Everybody makes a stink about the trade deadline but then deals keep happening after it has passes.

Doesn’t seem any different than guys running on outfielders with weak arms. I never heard Johnny Damon bitching about that.

The team could have been a “dynasty” until that throw from the goal line in Superbowl whatever. Now they are the Rams.

Ugh. Yes, keep treating the symptoms, while ignoring the causes.

99% certain the phrase is “all of a sudden.” The word “sudden” is an adjective, not a noun. As a writer, I thought you would like to know.

As I was reading this, I thought “Jim Bob Cooter” was a derisive nickname for whoever is the Lions’ hayseed OC. Imagine my surprise...

Wear a hat, don’t wear a hat, whatever. But for fuck’s sake, take your hat OFF when you’re on a date. I want to smack every dude I see who is clearly taking a lady out but leaves his stupid, pristine baseball cap (it’s always a baseball cap) on while sitting down to eat. God, I’m old.

Late to the comment party, as usual. Disregard my “cleverness.”

They might want to suspend Bob Ley, just to be safe.

Jumping high and stuffing a ball into a hoop isn’t easy but if you took 10 fit, tall people I suspect more of them could figure out a dunk than could square up on a 93 MPH fastball. Nevermind how many of them would be left vibrating like Wile E. Coyote after he downed a bottle of earthquake pills.

Jumping high and stuffing a ball into a hoop isn’t easy but if you took 10 fit, tall people I suspect more of them could figure out a dunk than could square up on a 93 MPH fastball. Nevermind how many of them would be left vibrating like Wile E. Coyote after he downed a bottle of earthquake pills.

But don’t “you” opt in to listing who your family members are? Don’t check your mom as your mom and this might not be a problem. Yes? No?

Very sad. And very true. Ugh.

Yes! Let’s have more of this troglodyte exposed to the light of day. It shouldn’t take too long for him to racist-mansplain his way right out of a job. Even if it’s only because he’s bad for “optics” and not because the administration has decided to stop being violently xenophobic.

I really wanted to like Haim, but they sound way too much like Wilson-Phillips.

Ugh. Same. I won an Xbox One in a raffle and while it has many things going for it (not least of which is I got the whole setup for a $50 investment) I am sorely tempted to chuck it and get a PlayStation just for the baseball game. I still have my Wii that I use to play MLB 2005, which manages to be far superior to

I choose to believe that “crumbling” in your opening line refers to the owner and not the townhouse.  

Third rate? You are far too generous in your estimation of their pizza.