Donald Trump sits on every chair like it’s a toilet.
Donald Trump sits on every chair like it’s a toilet.
At what point does Bravo just put real drag queens on this stupid show?
“Suck” is awfully subjective. But it is a story that does not need to be told. We know all we need to know about the character and no matter what happens in the movie we know how his story ends. There are no stakes which makes for dull storytelling no matter how much “pew pew” they put up on screen.
He sounds like me. When I was class Salutatorian for my 8th grade graduation. In 1981.
The worst part of this was listening to Tim McCarver again.
The Red Cross also sells good kits. We bought a couple for home and then added to them. We also got separate kits for our cars. We’ve already rotated the stock in them once and I hope to spend the rest of my days rotating the stock every few years and never having to use them. I always feel good having them, and then…
I’m a married man! I can answer this question! Not only do I eat meals with my female friends regularly, my primary drinking buddy is a married woman and, though we tend to really tie one on when we go out, we have never done anything other than stagger to our separate homes after. Yes, she’s super foxy but I also…
I will do my part by not watching (not even hate-watching) whatever garbage she is attached to. Who’s with me?
I won an Xbox at my kid’s school auction a couple years ago. It’s okay, but I am bummed every year when this comes out on PlayStation. Also, is there really a team called the New Orleans Baby Cakes? If so, I need that hat yesterday.
I’ll never remember that German(?) word for a face in need of punching, but that up there is one of those.
Yeah, you buncha libtards. Only conservatives drive tanks. Wait...
Trick question! They are equally insufferable.
I grew up in California. My dad worked in aerospace for most of his life until the late ‘80s when his company lost their contract and he had to lay everybody off until he was the only one left to turn off the lights and lock the door on his way out. Then he had to live in Illinois for a while because he landed a job…
Good eye. Didn’t even see that guy at first. In one of the replays you see his brake lights go on, like he couldn’t start his car fast enough to get the hell out.
Chucklefucks? This is a very good word. Seriously, thank you.
Impeccably manicured. Blends his foundation instead of stopping at his jawline. My 81-year-old mother could learn a thing or two from him.
No. He did not.
I read that headline about five times before it stopped reading “Severed Head Injury.”
I’ve missed Mom. I like that this tune is not more of the same. Though I lerved Pure Heroine (still do) it’s cool to see her go elsewhere stylistically. Her voice is still dynamite. Welcome home, Mom!