:( Oh dear.

I'm on Facebook because I no longer live in the same country as my family and many other loved ones. It's really the best way for me to keep in touch with them given the enormous time difference. I also travel a lot and it lets my family and friends see my photography all in one place. It's not ideal, but it's been

Oh please. There's a distinct difference between being a stupid asshole and taking risks as a scientist or thinker. Most men are never going to win a Nobel prize, but many many of them will die from stupidity, whether it's drinking themselves into oblivion or hugging a tree with dad's car. You only need a handful

Hey, it sounds like you're a great parent, and I don't want to bring you down here, but I think it's really worth pointing this out. You talk about getting your daughter to "avoid the girly girls who only define themselves by what the boys like." And you go on a lot about exploration and risk and STEM-type stuff.

If you're such a brilliant STEM manly man, you should be aware that your anecdote about your kids is not data. You should also realize that studying mechanical engineering does not confer any expertise in the social sciences on you. Being good at math does not mean you're right about everything else.

Diana was a princess because she married the Prince Of Wales, Kate is a Duchess because she married the Duke of Cambridge which was one of the additional titles awarded to William on his marriage. When William is made Prince of Wales as is customary after Charles dies, Kate will become Princess of Wales, the fact that

That's not karma so much as it would be irony.

I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on Gawker:

Are you serious? I'd love being a celebrity nowadays. Better a line of endless selfies, than blocking the crazies trying to rip off your clothes and hair (what was it with white people and snatching celebrity hair, btw?).

you think Ariana Grande's sexy image is indicative of her "owning" her sexuality? Lol. You're cute, Mark.

My parents loaned me the money to start my own business and it changed my life. I refuse to feel bad about it and would never want to date someone who looked down on me for it.

As a smoker I can't abide other smokers who perpetuate the stereotype of the inconsiderate smoker. I promise we aren't all that person that smokes next to you without a care and then just throws their butt on the ground. :/

I'm kinda freaked that faked stories like these are going to take credibility away from the women who have already come forward.

It is noteworthy that she doesn't defend him. She just acknowledges that nothing happened to her at that time.

You know what I like about Raven's response? She clears the rumors about herself up, asks to be left out, and does not rush to defend him or refute any other women's claims (Ahem, cough cough, friends of Woody Allen).

It BAFFLES me that people are not constantly talking about Missy Elliott during these endless conversations about how Nicki Minaj is the only female rapper in the history of music. "Phone before you come, I need to shave my chocha" may be the greatest line ever written.

Anyone who thinks PATRICK SWAYZE was at any point hotter than BRAD PITT is just...

People who also need to be chastised: Women who think their bag also needs a seat. Bitch that chinatown frauda can go in your lap.

for someone just telling someone else they have a shitty attitude, you have the shittiest attitude i have ever seen. like, what is wrong with you? every comment i have read from you has been elitist, arrogant, rude and unhelpful. you seem extremely judgmental, and from what i can see of your conversation with oh dear,

I think people say average, but mean mode. The most occurring size range is 12-14.