:( Oh dear.

32 is way too old to be a massive hipster. (You can have unconventional interests without being a hipster.) And supporting equality for women is a baseline.

I think his head's a little big.

When people are late all the time.

Don't go home for Thanksgiving. I've done it more than once. Turkey at the diner and go see a movie. This is especially satisfying if this will annoy your Mom.

"Also, as a feminist I find it quite hard to get along with people who don't have a minimal amount of critical thinking."

About the reification of hipsters, just look up anything about detournement, recuperation, etc. There are so many neckbeards in my "alternative" neck of the woods it's a health hazard (all the disgusting hair I mean).

You're 21 and he is 31. If he wanted to date you, he would have said.

So. I am here to give an update about what happened last week when I fled from my emotionally abusive boyfriend. I've been posting about trying to get out of this relationship for a while but had been very very stuck do to being very very poor and very alone in a new city and not being able to afford a place of my own

No, I've been posting here since 2007.

It's not going to work. Find someone "conformist" and don't use the word "HALP." Also while this guy definitely sounds like a prime douche contender, if someone's not in a committed monogamous relationship, it's not a moral indicator if he or she flirts with a million people a day. Sounds like one of those weirdo

...and? I mean, I realize I'm probably jaded because they have hunters regularly demonstrate dressing deer and moose for elementary-school age kids here, especially in the northern and small towns. A lot of our Scandinavian zoos also feed prey animals (zebras, giraffes, etc) that have died to the large predators they

Is "murder" what we're calling slaughter now?

I've only taught college students a couple of times, and I have definitely noticed this behavior of being too afraid to get wrong answers to take a guess or try to reason things through (which is bad, because I'm more interested in a bunch of pre-meds learning how to use biology to reason through why leaves have air

I think this is unfortunate, but not as insane as it seems. I'll bet the rabbit was easier to handle than taking a whole chicken or pig into the classroom to kill. I abhore animal cruelty, but the fact is that tens of billions of animals die each year for people to consume, and one rabbit used to show people what meat

I've been teaching college freshman for 25 years. It's weird the way people born in the 80s are called millennials, because they were Gen Y for years.

I feel like he didn't add very many details explaining what was so abusive and exploitative.

I just think that it's weird to want to be in a relationship with someone that you wouldn't want to be friends with otherwise. It pretty much says that the only thing you like about them is the idea of using their body for sex.

So as the writer of the first letter, I believe I was done a disservice. The title of my letter when I wrote to you was NOT "Why do I keep getting friend zoned?" but rather, "Why do I keep getting dumped by my friends?"
I specifically didn't use the term friend zone, because I never felt like I was being put in the

I like how 90% of the things anti-feminists bitch about are parody arguments made up by anti-feminists.

Folks are more likely to complain about what Jezebel is gonna do than Jezebel is to complain about an article.