:( Oh dear.

I am so confused where the link between Nobel prizes and the Darwin awards is. Apart from anything else, very few women have won them because we weren't allowed to contribute, and the number of women who get research group leader positions is still tiny. Postdocs and PhD students don't get nominated even if we did ALL

There's also the whole thing of being told by men and women how unattractive you are because you don't have breasts. "Real women have curves". It's shitty to ladies who've had mastectomies too. I know a woman who put off hers for months (against the advice of her surgeon) so that she could have a reconstruction done

We all learn either french, german or spanish until we are 16, it's compulsory and has been for more than 20 years! We stopped fox hunting 10 years ago, we don't seal cull and most of us are against the badger cull, we want vaccination! PM is a dick and he doesn't have a mandate!!!! In fact had the Lib dems joined

???? We DO want to be in the EU! Are you crazy?

Canadians are the same.

No that is EXACTLY my experience with undergrads I teach. It blows my mind how different they are now.

Cervical dislocation is absolutely allowed and needs no qualifications. It is one of the few mentors that doesn't.

it's easier and less messy to kill and butcher a rabbit than a chicken. Rabbits are food, that's why people kept them as pets originally.

Oh for goodness' sake get a grip. I bet you you are the kind of person who writes things like "she flew into a rage!" or "he became furious!" when describing someone who was mildly annoyed with you you after dealing with hours or months of petty bullshit.

Really cos i remember when "friend zone" first popped up in the 90s it was more that you'd met each other flirted a bit but then waited too long to make a move so you ended up killing the romantic tension.

" and this kind of behavior is tantamount to emotional abuse."

When I moved to the US, me and a taiwanese co-worker bonded over our shared ignorance of what vegetables and kitchen implements are called here. It was tragic.

cobblers or dumplings.

i love you even more today. Can I have some of what you've been taking?

i don't understand? Why does Kate not want the tube to be underground?

resveratrol has a half life of around 24 hours. There's not enough in wine to do anything at all.

Damon Hill, Damon Albarn etc-popular in the early-mid 70s I think!

They know it, Formular 1 and popular music, quite a few 40 year olds are called Damon.

I've been on four dates with a guy now and he has't even touched my hand. What the hell? we met on okc and seemed to get on really well but he has given no indication that he's interested. what the hell?

This has been done! Last year we had this: