
I know I’m being extra right now, but I can’t even enjoy dirtbag. I feel like this is election night all over again.

For some reason people want cancer patients to be brave, inspirational heroes. I suspect most of them haven’t seen cancer up close and personal

Abusive asshole dies.

It’s the same reason that every pregnant celebrity is apparently “flaunting their belly” when they walk around outside or exist in public in any way. 

Why does every encounter with cancer have to be describe as a battle?  When you’re 89, something’s definitely coming for you and I don’t believe that it must inevitably be seen as a battle lost.

You’re confusing borderline personality disorder (what Pete has) with bipolar disorder. BPD has nothing to do with mania and depression.

The best advice is from King of the Hill

starred for Stephen King reference


Oh hey! Johnny! Ex-big-fan here. I have some insight about what you’ve done to deserve all this:

“How big could the market be for pasty young women with wacky sartorial tastes and wiry limbs?”

There is NOTHING I would look forward to more at my 9 month mark than pouring hot wax on my vajayjay and ripping hair out with it, lemme tell ya.

There are women in porn?

I was gonna comeback with a Black man beating a white woman would definitely suffer greater consequenses and then I thought about O.J. sooooooo...never mind.

I feel like every woman should be granted an automatic restraining order against Chris Brown.

I don’t care what anyone says, I love Hillary.

But my emails.

I volunteer as tribute to get down and dirty in the gutter with Tom Hardy, commander.