Look for an older dog- they tend to be less chewy and destructive. (My Good Charlotte destroyed stuff until she died, the poor girl).
Look for an older dog- they tend to be less chewy and destructive. (My Good Charlotte destroyed stuff until she died, the poor girl).
Yeah, people do struggle with knowing what to say, and as Americans we really struggle with experiencing any kind of discomfort, but people that said that to you are fucking clueless.
People can be so tactless in times like this. When my parents died last summer (murder-suicide by my dad), people had the gall to tell me “They just loved each other so much. They went together.” It took everything in me not to say “Did you read the police report, do you know how hard my mother fought to stay here?…
Do any of these Hollywood parents actually spend time with their kids? How does one bike around Sardinia when you’ve got 2 year old twins?
I mean, when I suddenly had a bunch of free time I started masturbating a lot too. Not because I have sperm to get rid, just because... why not?
Relationships are the most difficult part for people with BPD, it tends to be volatile and intense. The scrutiny of celebrity can only make things worse. Hopefully these kids can keep their heads above the water.
I would say that this should be something you can look at as proof that money and fame are not cures for depression. You’re not doomed, you just have to find something (medicine, therapy, etc.) that will help you. Money and fame will not. Which I’m thankful for as I have neither.
Could you tell me if they record your name and number? If I call from my cell and just need someone to talk to, then we end the conversation and hang up...do they reach back out to you?
So to counter the male-dominated playlists, we should actively choose to listen to more female artists? Sounds easy to me.
Yes, I should have said “where taste must be a factor.” In a sandwich, the green factor is a side player, free to provide either crunch or taste alone, with the other ingredients willing and able to pick up the slack should the greens lack taste or be wilted by heat (though a sandwich is allowed to be totally soft, as…
Yep— it reminds me of childhood. Plain cold boiled shrimp with ketchup & horseradish with lemons on the side that you don’t touch. What could be more elemental?
I support this anti-Wedge dissertation and am willing to subscribe to your anti-Wedge newsletter, if/when one becomes available, so long as you don’t give my email address to porn-spam people.
This is an excellent and slightly bananas comment.
I disagree. The wedge salad is a very good salad but all salads are very good salads. Except the hideous Cobb. I enjoy the wedge salad and I will eat the wedge salad but I will only order the wedge salad so long as I will be eating something better shortly after. The wedge salad is good but has many problems.
He also enjoys oxygen and I’m not going to stop using that. Broken clocks and all that.
You’re right, actually. Probably more than 1 in 3 women need them but assholes like you prevent them from getting them, so only 1 in 3 women actually get them, while the others are forced to bear a pregnancy they don’t want or may not be viable.