
France right now:

That’s creepy, John Mayer.

The only way Kendall Jenner would be smoking hot is if you set her on fire.

Nothing like a 39 year old creeping on a 21 year old.

I got DNA results for my pup! I’m not sure how accurate they are, but they were nuts.

The only Trump to feel any sympathy toward is Barron. He needs to be raised as far away from his father and siblings as humanly possible.

Ding ding ding...we have a winner!

“it included Nazi and Japanese gear though he tended to favor US stuff.”

She is probably using for anxiety and some relaxation. She human just like us.

One of my former coworkers happens to be the daughter of a former governor of Texas, and who happens to sit on the foundation board of the school named for her, which happens to have been founded with the help of Ms. Bullock, who happens to remain a close friend of this former coworker in question.

Polite AND sensible! What a kid!

If that were my kid, that’d be my proudest moment. I think I’d shed a tear.

Years ago, my Fox News-watching dad came over for a visit and gave my son Bill O’Reilly’s book for teenagers. My son said “Thanks Grandpa” and after my folks went home, my kid tossed the book in the garbage. He was 14.

I’ll tell you who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma. My parents, Martha Stewart and William Shakespeare.

As an adult, I would not turn down a free, new mattress. Or new socks. Or new underwear.

Anyone who reveals their tiny child’s personal messages to the press is not a trustworthy person.

this baby looks 39-years-old

It’s high time we discussed Grover. He’s been pushed aside for too many years by that shrill charlatan Elmo. I for one would love for Super Grover to show that redheaded stepchild the door.