
You’d be OK with her choking on a dog treat, though, right? I know I would be.

“I always used to eat Milk-Bones as a kid. I thought they were very good,” Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said in a video for IJ Review, before taking a bite of one, spitting it out, and attempting unsuccessfully to feed it to a dog.

actually, it’s not. i had snow days. they were fun. now, as a parent, i just had to tell my kid school is closed because someone threatened to bomb it. not even close to better. it’s fucking awful.

Somehow still better than school being cancelled for a week due to extreme cold and being a poor district unable to afford heating. (Fun fact: I grew up in the town King of the Hill is based on.)

I mean, I’m sure Mr. Villegas is speaking what he believes and feels is absolutely the truth, but the national reality is much more grim.

“Nothing is more important than the safety of our kids.”

Fucking word.

“(especially if you can give the baby back to its owners).”

Isn’t that in ALL scenarios....


None of them should be on TV anymore.

Even when a pregnancy goes completely according to plan, it causes permanent and serious physical changes, and it’s not like a person just gets to walk around living normally for those 40 weeks. Pregnancy is serious shit that no one has the right to impose on anybody.

On a side note, this is exactly why abortion needs to be legal. Women used to die from child birth all the time and people are forgetting that. It’s a major medical event. I hate when people make flippant remarks about “why can’t the woman just stick it out for nine months and let the baby be born?” Because its not

So.......snip-snip for ‘Ye?

Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this. Perhaps because when I was 15, AOL charged by the minute and I only had dial up and I am jealous. Or perhaps because I don’t really see 14yo’s battling terrorism online, or at least the 14yo’s I teach. I do deal with 14yo’s using social media to share nude pics of themselves

Hey everyone lets get serious for a minute - I think we need to talk about the asshole epidemic that has been plaguing Jezebel lately. I’m not talking about the beloved assholes (like myself ;) ) but I’ve talked to a few people about this so I know I’m not the only one experiencing this but has anyone else noticed a

Well, hey, as long as you’re willing to kill people over that. Nothing says “socially well-adjusted” better than a loaded gun smoking over a pile of dead corpses, amirite...

In 35 years? They could buy a used one.

I don’t see the problem. Who didn’t see this coming? Gasoline and diesel, both a limited supply resource have to eventually be phased out for mass-consumption. Now if they were saying something about banning ALL gasoline/diesel powered cars from the city/country, okay I might feel a little differently, but they aren’t

Yup...the poor. Now we care about them. Millions of poors...buying fossil fools.