
Me too!!

Okay, I understand expunging records to some extent- a kid gets into some trouble, fine. But charges involving personal harm/assaults shouldn’t be expunged. The people surrounding you don’t need to know if you had a PI charge when you were 17, but they do need to know if you’ve threatened or committed violence against

Dude, I was thinking the very same. Like, call me a skank, but ewwww latex!

Like Son of Sam?

Fuck, I’m so glad B. Spears looks happy.


WHAT ARE THIS?????????? *wails and gnashes teeth

Waiting tables on the Outer Banks of NC one summer, a lady from New Jersey asked me for a “grit.” A singular grit. I brought a lone grit out to her on a spoon. She was not amused.

(I like her too, I love her husky voice.)

Okay, that kind of makes me like her better than I did.

Right?! And now Diana Fuh-reakin ROSS! is Ashlee’s mother-in-law! Why are we not paying attention to this?!

I can’t say enough about this book or this author. Her passing leaves a void, and I am actually really sad.

Duh, dudes.

Laura Bush looks like a Siamese cat!

Every time I go to Dallas I am struck by the wealth disparity there. Neighborhoods with sprawling estates; wealth and opulence that’s truly a little uncomfortable. Drive a few mile and you’re in actual slums. It’s awful.

Is is that coffee time again, after all!

That’s just good business!

This is squicky and gross.