You don’t know he got it wrong.
You don’t know he got it wrong.
power overwhelming
I just put this up, we were having some fun in the Diablo 3 cow level lol.
It should have been you, Garfield, you!
I’m really dumb, so I read the Fire This Coach every week and say “Fired!” out loud when it happens.
He’s going to rehab, not an insane asylum.
The opportunity was ripe to send Rex and Rob away on miniature motorcycles.
Get the fuck outta here with that shit. And take this star with you.
He just needs to keep his stick on the ice and he’ll get his team out of this sticky wicket they’re in.
This is probably me turning into a very old man, but when one guy calls you stupid, and then you stop on his dick in the Super Bowl, to me, you have sent his attempted burn into the upper deck. I don’t know what kind of shade is being thrown here.
Funny, but if any of this comes true you guys are dicks.
I think this invitation is a thinly veiled disguise for the Browns to get pointers on how to play football from their female fans. Because let’s be real, you aren’t going to learn much about sports from the 2016 Cleveland Browns.
“A man” is setting yours sights pretty high, Emma. Have you considered a “journeyman?”
Your opinion is bad.
Fuck me, a Canadian team is going to win the Stanley Cup, aren’t they?
No, there is a sudden emergency and Bama gets disqualified from the playoffs and they replace them with Notre Dame. They go on to win the whole thing. We’re talking extinction level events here.