the original xy

this is the most ridiculous picture ever.

here’s what he really meant: “I look forward to fucking over Indians to make my buddies a couple more dollars than they would have made anyway.”

has he never heard of lube?

it’s how they make the readers feel important.

this was a pretty illegal play as only punters and kicker can kick the ball.

they do it to bother people like you.

i thought the whole point of college basketball was that records didn’t matter.

this is the only good thing to come from one of these dumb things.

nosepass is clearly the best because it’s just a rock that has a nose.

this is the most pointless argument of all time and i love every second of it.

one was just the Skoal Bandits truck so i think it’s pretty close.

everybody know thereisnocowlevel

gotta get to 80000 cars in game somehow.

where can i find and punch this guy?

more like Simcity only 5000 years ago.

i thought he was famous for being a bust.

money makes a man do stupid things.