the original xy

Dabo: “How’s it look, doc? Can he play?”

Because black hats are so well known for being honorable and holding to their word. Ya seen S3 of Black Mirror yet?

What a gritty, fundamentally sound holdout.

I hate design. It’s a neverending contest to see who can find the most irrelevant thing and fetishize the shit out of it.

He will take pride in sending everyone one of those American Indians back to India where they belong.

In a related story, gaming’s first dildo turns 42 this year.

That’s a boy who knows how to get a pity hug from one of the cheerleaders after the contest

That sounds like a lot of work.

Moore should feel lucky only missing one play, most players get four games if they take a hit from Bud.


Well if they’re willing to make themselves seem slightly incompetent at their jobs in front of hundreds of thousands of people just for me, I feel very honored and more power to them for their bold nature.

If only he had wings...

I’ve got envy and glutteny - does that count? .. and I covet many neighbors’ wives!

Sadly for his little cousin he already accepted eight packs of skittles from Ohio State and was expected to deliver, he knows what’s comin’.

Prime Video — Sicario

Good luck finding a hockey player in Georgia.

This may come as a surprise to you, but ALL magic tricks are fake.

your team is full of delusional idiots


When I was growing up, we called a comment like yours a “Higgins,” because I grew up with a guy named Higgins who had a habit of repeating someone else’s joke with different words, making it a worse joke.