Oh god why

That McConnell wants it to stay buried/secret is all the proof I need to know it contains information that would be damning to the GOP and Trump.

It’s hard not to suggest throwing a “smother.”

Nunes is going to be on Hannity tonight, so look out for that “we and the president are the real victims” power hour

AND the kid was able to get a good zinger in!

That reads as a Kiwi accent to me.

Yeah, I think it’s jehrry nehllificehtion.

Then he offers to give Alaska back to Russia as a token of “friendship” to Tsar Vlad.

Everyone knows that Hawaii is part of Kenya.

Trump is incensed by the idea and reportedly said “Jesus Christ, what’s next? Trying to make Hawaii a state?”

Small hands, small talk

This says everything you need to know about him. I mean that donor was right, this doesn’t even matter it’s just a little funny. But Trump can’t stand to have even the smallest negative thing said about him, I remember seeing reporting (I think during the campaign) that he was always bad on comedy shows like SNL and

Whats the point of the lie anyway? Tim Cook Apple would still have made no sense in that context.

The saying goes that you can tell a pathological liar because they don’t just lie about things all the time, they lie about inconsequential things and things that are trivially easy to prove false.

Ann Coulter, a teenage edgelord in the body of a middle-aged soccer mom with an Adam’s apple, is defending neo-nazis, and specifically a neo-nazi that is serving a life sentence for murder.

I’m sorry, is there an inaccuracy here that you’d like to point out? Please do, if so, so I can update the story.

That’s what the Matrix looked like to Liberace.

I cannot imagine anyone I want to hear from less in this moment in history than R. Kelly. 

America is really getting a deep deep intensive crash course in gaslighting. Lets lock up Trump and R Kelly together so they can just spin the insanity together and leave us alone. 

Fuck it. He will have made  $45M in 4 years. Retire at 25 and hopefully not be in a wheelchair at 50.