My boss still has a “Madame President” magnet up and it hits right in the what-could-have-been feels every time.
My boss still has a “Madame President” magnet up and it hits right in the what-could-have-been feels every time.
Ben Carson is a perfect example of how someone can be utterly brilliant in one specific area, and completely deficient in others. No one would dispute that he was an amazing brain surgeon. However once you step outside of that realm, his faculties are quickly found to be... somewhat lacking.
why would she? our country has shown her twice that we are more sexist than we are racist, and we are pretty fucking racist.
I find it oddly refreshing that she announced she wasn’t running on a local news station instead of a 60 Minutes interview or twitter.
What a shitty snarky piece! I am still heartbroken over her loss. You go Hillary!
I was inspired by her campaign as were many she won the goddamn popular vote. She shouldn't run again because it will just be a repeat and she has sense. No need to shit on her work.
She sure does. She never said she was going to run and now that she’s finally official said “I’m not running” they’re still giving her shit about it. But also salivating over Bernie. SMH
Hillary has the sense not to run again.
I forgot he was still part of the administration. That’s probably his crowning achievement.
Nothing can truly Spray and Wash away the stain of racism.
I hope she comes clean about this.
The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell, hi ho the merry-o ...
My only real issue with it, and I think this mistake gets made a lot, is the near constant suggestion that anyone who doesn’t agree with her on the Israel-Palestine conflict is doing so not because of a genuine disagreement but because they’re held in thrall by the money of AIPAC or whatever.
Omar comin
Okay, so who had “ate an egg salad sandwich” in the “Why was Drew sick” pool?
Yes, this is moving/keeping the Overton window to the right but allow them plausible deniability to Trump’s brand of conservatism
If you’re aim is to cater to the appetite of American conservatives then quit fucking around and start an AOC creepshots site.
I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.