Oh god why

He had that burn already in the chamber before the debate even began.  They had noticed J Danforth Dipshit fancied himself a modern JFK and they decided if he referenced JFK in any way he’d pull the trigger.  

Ah, Lloyd Benson. You might have been one of the least inspiring Vice Presidential candidates in one of the least inspiring Presidential campaigns in modern history but you left the Earth with one truly immortal burn.

I loved that beat his ass scene so much. I think lots and lots of women have wanted to do that to some creep and that was some serious cathartic shit for a whole boatload of us.

+1 full metal jacket. I’d star you but you’re at 69.

I love this movie. And the soundtrack is my go to for everything


going full Death Proof might be more cathartic

Nah, Weinstein is a huge rat and needs to be dealt with accordingly. Cold, sharp Hattori Hanzō steel is the way to go.

I need to watch this movie more.

There were 3 shooters in the JFK shooting: Oswald, the grassy knoll, and a squirrel in a tree on Dealey Plaza.

It’s amazing how well the Trump brothers line up with Mom’s sons in Futurama. Donnie Jr is clearly Walt, right down to the hairdo & weak chin. Eric’s of course Igner: Too stupid to be ambitiously evil. I’m guessing Barron’s gonna grow up to be Larry.

“The smart one” doesn’t mean he’s “smart”, just the least stupid. Alas, the least stupid one is clearly Tiffany, for keeping out of all this.

“Pardon me. Would you have any Grey Poupon?”

Pictured: the administration of the 45th American presidency in its natural habitat

They were also a major faction of the alt-right before they started realize there were those who were supporting their statements rather than laughing at them.

There’s an oathpreppers and and oathkeepers but no oathcookers? Who’s cooking white people’s oats?

I feel he looks more like that crazy biker in Weird Science