Oh god why

Oh, dude, no. These are the guys who were horrible in their 30s and their 20s and at college and in high school/prep school and in grade school and pretty much since puberty if not earlier. This is not a mid-life crisis. This is not male menopause. They did not wait until they were personally rich and powerful to do

They found a paradise for fat, orange rats with tiny hands?

Two cannibals were eating a clown. The first cannibal turns to the second cannibal and asks “Does this taste funny to you?”

This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.

Jesus can’t put his hand over his heart for the anthem because they’re nailed to the cross.

Oh shit, he pulled the first recorded “double Tebow”. Well, you know Ray, if you’re gonna do something serious, make sure to do it double

But whatever we do, we’re gonna do 100%, we’re gonna do together. 

I said this over on deadspin, but I will repeat it here.

Staying in the locker room is a stronger protest than taking a knee - it is a symbol of saying that you really don’t believe in the current government enough to even grace the field or the flag with your presence. When you take a knee - it is saying: I hear the song and see the flag, but I have something to say about

Lifehack...get your beer during the anthem. Dummies stop on the concourse during it while smarties get their watered down foam promptly !

Have MAGA dipshits Robert Kraft and Tom Brady weighed in with their hot takes on the issue?

Now they have to make it out of Iowa alive.

Take Bakersfield too please

Nobody will miss los banos either.

I kinda wish the Warriors (or any/all other champion) had accepted the invitation and THEN no-showed.

Damn LeBron really making hard to keep up my irrational dislike of him.

New word for the 2018 OED

The classic “you can’t fire me, I quit!” move.