“I don’t see why not.”
“I don’t see why not.”
At the very least you are getting audited this year.
You ever seen a sunburnt fish? Makes you think.
Interesting to know that the U.S. isn’t the only country to have Dodgers in political office.
The fanboyism over a garbage rock they thought about once in 8th grade and never again will always be fascinating to me.
Will the cycle of police violence never end?
So race targeting by police is worldwide?
Jolie, I tried to get vomit and blood out of my Chris Conte jersey with a ShopVac and now my ShopVac is clogged. How do I clean up the hell that is my life?
“...the football fan covered in barf won.”
Let’s not forget the chuffed folks in Ipswichendale On The Shanty.
/Looks at picture.
Bradford plays for NY now?
........unfortunately they’re female.......I prefer my punks Hot, Hung & Dumb......just sayin’......
America has a punk scene? Cute.
Yup, we do indeed have a punk scene and some substantial punk history. We also have plenty of real-life political issues and other shit, to fuel punk songs. Apparently, between Vancouver and Toronto, we had North America’s first notable all-female punk bands, too.
(dying on the job (b/c benefits) > dying off the clock) < not being murdered
If you die on the job your family gets death benefits from worker’s comp.