Oh god why

It’s only the Catholicism that wouldn’t go over well.

Yeah, this is fucking stupid. If Nazis aren’t there, just go have a drink dammit.

Well, we’ll see later after police release details about who these guys actually are.

Also, “Marxist” is one of their not-too-subtle code words for “Jew.”

“Antifa” isn’t a specific group.

They’re also disguised which will work against them, finally. Because anyone can show up wearing all black and wreak havoc.

Sunday’s rally was to be the provocatively titled “No to Marxism in America,” seemingly designed to needle Berkeley’s famously liberal populace.

I kind of appreciate the “limited yet realistic goals” nature of this post.

My local tavern makes nachos with thin-sliced potatoes instead of tortilla chips. It’s pretty spectacular, but then I’m of Irish descent, so your mileage may vary.

There’s a 30% chance he got married in the same clothes.

Kudos! Boxcar McGregor gassed just like you said he would.

Now playing

For anyone who missed the fight, you can watch the complete fight at this link:

McGregor did just enough to convince me to purchase the Mayweather/Rougned Odor fight when Floyd is once again in hot water with the IRS.

Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted

Don’t forget infantilizing him and economic anxiety.

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

Shit he’s even older than Trump. Why do racists get to live so long