Oh god why

Love the idea of letting these shit-stirrers churn shit with their boots.

Two false-start public events cancelled on very short notice; these dipshits should be billed for thousands of man-hours of police and governmental preparation, traffic inconvenience for the broader public, and all sorts of other externalities

8 Texas congressmen (R, Duh!) voted against hurricane Sandy relief when it hit New Jersey back in ‘12.

If people are surprised Trump used Hurricane Harvey as cover to pardon Joe Arpaio just wait till tonight when he starts World War III by bombing North Korea during the Mayweather-McGregor fight.

tl:dr “Daniel”

The reason that all the rules surrounding the president, more or less, have no teeth is that it looks bad when your leader has actual threats to freedom keeping him in check. The expectation is that people assuming the office would have at least some modicum of decency. Obviously this is not the case.

He seems to think his pardon is supreme and cannot be stopped, throw in that he seems to break multiple rules without anyone being able to stop him.

The power of the pardon can only be further restrained by an amendment, one that would not pass.

Now playing

Thank FUCKING GOD. FINALLY this charlatan is out. Words cannot express the disdain anyone with a brain holds for this man and his fake degrees, fake knowledge and all-too-real self-aggrandizing bombast.

I’m not well-versed on presidential pardon powers, but it does seem like it needs to be re-examined, perhaps along the lines of federal-state divisions of power.

The Goldwater Rule is much more tricky. Again, I’m not well-versed in it beyond what I’ve read in the news, but I can see it opening a whole can of worms

No, fuck that.

“Interestingly enough, you also have to rotate that swastika 45 degrees for it to resemble the Reich’s swastika.”

how to sum up this administration

Doesn’t mean citizens are without remedy

So with a massive hurricane bearing down on Texas, Trump announced the pardon for Arpaio, signed that official order to ban transgendered military enlistments and announced Gorka’s resignation. All because he knows the hurricane will overshadow those stories.

Even more ridiculous, he pardoned him before Arpaio has even been sentenced. This is Kelly rewarding an over-eager Trump for making it through the week without creating fresh controversy.

I’ll be damned: Turns out Trump is in favor of amnesty after all.

The utter lack of even the slightest peep of protest from Trump supporters is just another nail in the coffin of the idea of conservatism being anything but racism. He’s not throwing out “bad hombres,” he’s throwing out anyone with a Spanish accent.

I find it incredibly hard to put into words just how awful it would be to end DACA. I have a number of friends who have DACA and it keeps me up at night thinking about what might happen to them if DACA is taken away. The short thing is that they, along with 800,000 others will lose their job, either immediately or

What is it with Nazis & failing at art?

And no transphobics, either.