watch your language please there are children on this web site
watch your language please there are children on this web site
OMG I can just picture Trump speaking now: “Tammy Duckworth is a loser who lost both her legs. I happen to like people who didn’t lose their legs in combat!”
No, parents were allowed to have their own lives in the 80s. Like, maybe if your son was a standout at football or basketball, you’d be expected to make an appearance sometimes. But nobody showed up to watch their kid cheer.
Yeah I actually meant the delightful dessert but quickly realized people would take it to dirty town. Got to own it though, so there it stays.
I am still absolutely fucking flabbergasted that the US Treasury Secretary is married to the In Congo’s Shadow woman.
I’ll participate in splits only when you show me a banana.
I expect that at this point somebody sat Linton down and explained her how to be a proper trophy wife:
What the fuck did I just watch. I was a cheerleader in the 80s, when people barely cared about safety and we never would’ve pushed someone into the splits any more than we would’ve intentionally dislocated their joints. That’s not how the fucking splits work!!!
Gawd, who wears white to a totality? So embarrassing.
Keeping your garments white is easier when you have a pre-emptive 30,000 feet restraining order against the poors.
As long as they didn’t also kill his dog.
They’d better hope his son isn’t John.
Oft the Reaper shall slay in 3, and by day’s end take Bill Cos-by
“Hey Dad you must have jumped this thing about 50 yards!”
“Nah that’s nothing to be proud of Rusty....”
And it is the height of privilege to complain that you had to leave your school (he didn’t) because people were intolerant of him when his intolerance endangered others who still have to go about their business.
I lived in Minnesota during his term and it was so weird. I remember being surprised because MN was/is so granola. FFS, this a state that practically canonized Paul Wellstone.
I can’t remember where I saw it, but someone did the dog years calculation on Trump Weeks. Doesn’t it feel like we were worried about nuclear war about three years ago instead of early last week? Invading Venezuala? The Mooch? I have no real concept of time anymore.
Well to be fair, you really only have his bloated head and bulbous neck to compare. His hands could be enormous and would still appear minuscule compared to that.
its too pedestrian by a mile.
Leia Ham is an illustrator from Singapore currently based in LA.