Oh god why

How soon before Obria starts popping placebos in the mail under a new dummy corp.?

That’s the play, thank you

Just no marathon—or half marathon—stickers on the back bumper, please.

That’s how I turn off my alarm too.

You’re one syllable over—and one weather observance under—haiku wise. But I like where your head’s at.

Hmmm- isn’t the forget-me-knot how one ties a noose?

“Guaranteed odds”- I like the sound of that.

White Christians are an effective bloc in our broken, antiquated system of governance- it’s true. But I think it’s too far a stretch to say there was some sort of liberal coup in the majority white Commonwealth; it’s just that are many, many more backwards shitheads here in the ‘States.

Looks like there’s a slight stumble Tucker saves by leaping headlong? Pretty cool, either way.

“very nearly” belongs in which column, again? I forget

Instead of blowing on embers, let’s put a pillow over its collective face and maybe then it will go away

Nunes claims that because of Twitter, he has “endured an orchestrated defamation campaign of stunning breadth and scope, one that no human being should ever have to bear and suffer in their whole life.”

Like Rodney Dangerfield before him, flailing around in flop sweat comes naturally to him.

We see you Ecleen! Luz-mila! Cara-BAYO-O-O-O!!

She looks GREAT for 60, and her hair is naturally yellow.

There goes a deeply cynical person who just knows there is no beating in the offing. Talk your face off, you giraffe-necked worn out anthropomorphized mop

trying, succeeding, trolling, dismissing, holding the world back for what treason exactly? the “t” is intentional


By the Code of Hammurabi, I grant you permission to name and shame!