
I just wish my companions would figure out the value of junk in the world.

I was disappointed that Nick had the exact same voice of Belethor, the annoying Breton shopkeeper in Whiterun of Skyrim. As soon as I heard him speak, I was like, I know that voice. He was offering to buy my sister last time I heard it.

I mean, if this were a list based on hotness, Paladin Danse would have a very different ranking.

I feel like using Stimpaks on companions is a waste of time, considering they heal themselves after a battle is over. But that’s just me!

There are some galleries floating around that have creations like that. Saw a regal list going around, and damn do they look like they should be kings and queens. Not white shirt, brown pant vagabonds scrounging for a few coins and a hunk of bread off of vanquished wolves and bandits.

“Well, look at you. You sexy stud. Bravo! Yes, dance for me Fahey. Dance around my wizard’s staff.”

I love creating characters, it ends up taking at least an hour to make someone, its very tiring to say the least

Ugh, seriously? Fuck you, Nintendo, no one wanted ANOTHER Fire Emblem character.

There is a quest-related gamma gun with a major knockback effect.

But...there is a TK Gun. Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun, unique mod for a Gamma Gun.

Fus Ro Da was amazing for me, especially if you dig into the dungeons and encounter vampires; just blow ‘em off a cliff and collect the loot.

You can have a lot of fun w/ Lock Joint if you have good stealth ability given the number of opponents staked out on tall things. I’ve watched a couple dozen raiders and supermutants fall to their deaths while paralyzed. It’s reminiscent of the slomo railing scenes in Dredd if you watch the falls through VATS.

Clones is the one where i agree that it was done rather poorly and is the worst of the three. I really liked Sith, and I actually still rather like Phantom Menace as well (I’m not sure why they would downgrade it to 2/5 and keep Clones at 3/5 though)

As a Steven Universe fan, I did not realize some people viewed the show’s fanbase as obnoxious.

This motherfucker right here is responsible for my horrible fear of deep water irl and games since childhood.

How about fixing it so my gun doesn’t randomly dissapear in my hands?

Eh, infinite caps aren’t really needed if you don’t use every ammo type. I don’t use.38 or .45, so it’s the equivalent of picking up caps. And there is generally a lot of it.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Honestly my biggest issue is this continued idea that post-apocalypse is “brown”