
I’m usually 100% in favor of the truth coming to light,

Hayter’s gonna hayte.

Dexter is quite handsome- nice job!

Recruiting a second Dogmeat is cute and all,
but I’d love it if they had allowed you to recruit the SS at Red Rocket instead.

That’s nice, but tell me where I can buy that shirt.

I actually provide information,
yet posts like “kick ass” get displayed while mine does not?

You can spot new weapons at 0:41 (Mega Gauss Rifle?),
0:48 (Assaultron Head, OMG!!!)
and 0:50 (Lightning Chain Gun).

Wait, SFV has a Story Mode?!

“First People Shooter”?
You get a gold star for that one.

It’s not hard to get stuff like this even on consoles-

This had BETTER be DLC, Capcom!

How long before anyone taking this route curses their decision because a crash cost them way more progress than it should?

The Robots one also appears to add new armor, as the armor shown in that pic is not currently available. It almost looks like Power Armor, but the hands are exposed.

Is that the bridge that leads to Kansai Airport?

No love for Fallout 3?

Congratulations, you found a mod I’m actually jealous over!

I get that they want a certain atmosphere in the game, but I really have issues with the way all the trees are *still* dead after 200 years (and despite the fact that all crop plants grow with no problem).

“Better yet, the game auto-saved my entering that room, and my only save before that moment would require me to lose hours of progress. It was horrible.”

Fellow FX artist here.

I’m *extremely* tempted to get Finn and a Stormtrooper, so I can pop Finn’s head off and put it on the Stormtrooper body.

Whatever, I’m still waiting for English versions of the remakes of PS1 and PS2 :(