
Spaghetti? C’mon now. “Tuxedo Ramen” is such a gimme, people.

This is the exact story of the parents (and other family members) of one of my best childhood friends. His parents fled Iran, he and his two brothers were born here, parents went to university and became professionals. They all regularly participate in Iranian pro-democracy events in the US. One thing a lot of people

To many in the West, Iran is an indistinct enemy power that seems perpetually embroiled in internal conflict, a country currently led by a volatile leadership with dangerous nuclear ambitions.

It always frustrates me to know so many Americans are completely unaware of how we as a nation helped caused the clusterfuck that is Iran today. We overturned a democratically elected government to protect our (and British) oil interests, and the dictator we put into power created the environment that allowed

Psht i can’t be eating Lego

You’re the dog now, man.

You somehow managed to receive a picture of Nara that had no deer visible in it!

While still incorrect, I could see how some could make that mistake.

Excuse me, you have a typo in your article.

Weren’t you complaining about the objectification of women in video games, like, a lot?

Looks like. Cars on top, trains on bottom.

You’ll probably like it? There’s talking, but it’s brief and you can literally walk away, so

You underestimate how strong plants are. They don’t give two shits how many bombs were dropped, especially 200 years after the fact.

This is what the Benny Hill theme was created for, my friends.



This shit is why I don’t have faith in humanity anymore. Seriously. Most people will have their faith in humanity ‘renewed’ by things, I just regularly have my lack of faith secured over and over again. By shit just like this. Fuck whoever did this, seriously, fuck them right in the skull, skull fuck them, and then

Santa Claus is gunning you down!

Try fighting a surprise behemoth with no power armor on during a radstorm, (uphill 15 miles in the snow) it really does add to the atmosphere and dire setting.

I hear you ,but for me a one hit kill with the VAT doesn’t feel like a kill at all. Just feels like cheating or using some kind of handicap *shrug*

Also, don’t buy bicycles, roller skates, sleds, ATV’s, motorcycles, automobiles, airplanes, go carts, boats, jet skis.