bellaluna, rebel warrior

*sighs* One of the States that’s done the most to combat global warming is being victimized by it on a massive scale. Depressing.

PG&E is late stage capitalism at its worst.

And hey, if those cells get filled, they’ve already told us the tents and conditions at the border are perfectly humane, so let’s use those to hold the overflow.

[9/1/19, 12:08:57 PM] Bill Taylor: Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?

Congress absolutely has the authority. They have the same authority as a judge to order criminal or civil penalties for people held in contempt of congress. They can be thrown in jail, fined, or forcibly dragged onto the House or Senate floor and held in chains to answer congresses questions.

Start with the authority that she does have, which is to hold these people in contempt of Congress, which is punishable by imprisonment or fine. The fact that they haven’t used this tool multiple times already is just making things worse.

Agreed! Since the House is highly unlikely to use the “arrest and detain” power (as much as I’d like to see these hacks get hauled in to testify, it’s probably good considering the Senate theoretically has that power also) it should find everyone who ducks a subpoena in contempt, find them, and then skip the US Atty

Pelosi FFS sent your bailiff out and hold them in contempt of congress! Even if you do, or they ultimately agree, it’s still obstruction of justice.

Gosh it’s almost like we the American people should start demanding potential Presidential candidates add a “reduce the power of the executive branch” plank to their platform.

Congress is going to have to start using inherent contempt and lock these motherfuckers up in the capital jail. Feed them the same barely edible slop that real prisoners have to eat and their pampered asses will roll on trump faster than the wheels on a Koenigsegg.

I think that Pelosi should start fining them. The courts may eventually reject the fines, but most of them are not rich enough to be unconcerned about having a huge financial sword of Damocles hanging over their heads for months or years.

I was a little shocked that after Schiff walked away from the mic, the committee Republicans called Schiff a “liar.” Can’t the Democratic-controlled House censure these assholes for calling the Committee chair a liar? Fuck this shit. Return to order! Democrats, don’t let the GOP run the House when YOU control it! I

I think it’s always worth reminding people of this...

The question now becomes: What is Congress gonna do about it?

I’m guessing they’ll do a lot of hang wringing until they actually decide to just hold people in contempt. This is the obvious course of action. The problem is that these fucks don’t give a damn about being held in contempt either. 

Step 1) Disproportionately incarcerate minority populations.

What a piece of shit. It’s shocking how blatantly obvious their attempts to prevent minorities from voting are.

Hmm, to someone looking on from outside you might almost begin to suspect they want as few people as possible to vote. Now why would that be? 

You know, it’s one thing to be the most dangerous, out-of-control man. But to be Florida’s most dangerous, out-of-control man, that’s saying something!