bellaluna, rebel warrior

Deadsplinter does not invite comparison to Deadspin or Splinter. It offers refuge for the entire Kinja community and was named after the first two main blogs to die. Deadsplinter will never be a place with ads, greys (such as yourself here on Jezebel) or trolls. We will never equate to the Kinja main blogs because we

I swear it seems some Americans are conditioned to believe absolutely everything is a zero-sum game. Binary choices dictated by the Robber Barons.

The problem is that we keep framing it as health “insurance.” I don’t want insurance, I want care. Medicare for all, as envisioned by Warren and Sanders, is national health CARE, with essentially all needs taken care of.

this is my general response when the average Cult 45er poses these binary-type questions:  the US is a pretty wealthy question, why couldn’t we have both?  oh that’s right, a lot of Americans and an entire political party lacks basic empathy.

I live in a country with free health care. A friend of mine has a milder version of cystic fibrosis (meaning she’s mid-30s and can still work part time) and her medications alone cost ~$2,500/month, and that’s with our laws than high ban mark ups on prescription medications so they’re much, much cheaper than they

Health insurance for my family is $1,200 per month and that is with my employer paying for my coverage. $12,000 a year wouldn’t even cover our health insurance costs, let alone cover our family medical expenses which have us hitting the out of pocket max for our kid every single year. Let’s stop throwing money at a

Which...this is why the disability community has wondered wtf is going on with his universal basic income. I mean, it doesn’t help that Yang doesn’t address it, but then to have it put forward like this by Chappelle, that’s probably exactly what Yang intends.

Agreed, but if you put it binary question, you have to only consider one or the other. Food or health insurance. Lack of one or the other will have the same end result.  You die if you don’t eat, and you die if you can’t afford healthcare. 

I don’t see how people can even afford to eat much on 12K after paying rent, utilities, transportation costs, etc. Unless Yang is providing subsidized housing at the very least, 12K is not enough for a person to live on. 

Dave Chappelle, a simple question: Why should people have to choose between food and health insurance?

You’re more than welcome to share and contribute here, friend.

“It Sneaks Up On You”: sweet cream ice cream with chocolate ghost pepper swirl

A Cone Walks Into Abar: eggnog-flavored ice cream with raspberry swirl and crunchy cone bits

Group hug!

Thanks for sharing.

This video was powerful. 

So fantastic!!

It’s truly hard when agency is taken away from you regarding decisions about your body, even seemingly trivial decisions like how your hair/your head looks. And I can imagine how the Rep feels given the power of her twists in a time where we’re fighting to not have our hair judge as wild and unkempt by folks too

My alopecia story is a bit different but in many ways similar.